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Summary: Kylo has a rough day, so you decide to make him feel better.

Warning: This one is kind of suggestive!

Kylo walked in to your shared living quarters, where you had arrived from work moments ago. Looking down at where you were sitting on the bed through the visor of his mask, he saw your soft complexion smiling up at him.

"Hello darling," you said, greeting him. With this, he pulled off his helmet and set it off to the side.

Kylo only nodded in response and moved to the other side of the bed, removing his attire until he was left in his boxers. He then laid on his side of the bed, staring up at the ceiling in silence.

Frowning to yourself, you pulled off the rest of your attire until you were left in a bra and underwear. Laying next to Kylo, you faced him and pressed your lips against his cheek, a hand resting on his chest. You were cautious with your actions, though; you didn't want to disturb him in case he was angry.

"Rough day?" you asked him. Kylo sighed and craned his neck to look at you, letting out a sigh.

"Yes. I'm sorry, baby," he replied, an ashamed look on his face.

You shook your head. "You don't have to apologize, Kylo, it's okay." With this, you lifted yourself up and moved to straddle his waist.

Kylo gave a faint grin, his hands moving to rest on your hips. Your hands moved to rest on his cheeks. Then, you got an idea.

He saw the devious look on your face and narrowed his eyebrows. "I know that look... what are you planning?"

You shook your head. "Nothing." Leaning down, you pressed your lips to his, giving him a sweet and passionate kiss. He easily reciprocated, moving his lips against yours. After the two of you pulled away, you moved to kiss along his jaw, then down to his neck.

"Y/N..." Kylo started. "What are you doing?" Though, it wasn't like he was mad. If anything, he didn't want you to stop.

Leaving more kisses against his neck, Kylo could feel your smile against his skin. "Just helping you relax."

As Kylo's hands moved to rest on your lower back, he could feel you sucking lightly on the skin of his neck, leaving marks. The sensation made him groan a little, earning another smile from you.

You moved your lips down to his collarbone, kissing at the bottom tip of his scar and working your way up to the other end above his eyebrow. Pulling away, you looked down at his face, eyes closed with a content look.

Feeling the absence of your lips, Kylo opened his eyes and looked up at you. You took a moment to admire him -- his raven hair, amber eyes, narrow cheekbones, the scar you had grown to love...

"You done yet?" he asked, snapping you out of your thoughts. He had a faint grin on his lips. You shook your head, leaning down and giving him a quick kiss.

Returning to the bottom tip of his scar, you kissed across his chest, up onto his other collarbone, leaving some marks behind. Then, you moved your kisses lower onto his abdomen, his hard abs making you groan. The sounds coming from you were making his heart race, unsure of where this was going.

"Y/N," Kylo warned softly, meeting your eyes from where you were kissing his hip bones. You knew you were driving him crazy, and you were determined to continue.

Giving a few more soft kisses against his hips, you move back up to straddle him again, hands on his cheeks and lips against his. As your kiss became tongue-deep, you tested the waters and grinded your hips against his lower half. He let out an involuntary moan into your mouth, hands moving to grip your hair.

Not getting more of a response from him, you repeated the motion, only this time longer. Kylo pulled away from the kiss, his moan louder this time. He looked up into your eyes.

"Baby girl, if you don't intend to go any further, I suggest you stop now," he said, taking the back of his hand and brushing it against your cheek.

You smirked for a moment. Watching his face, you grinded your hips one last time.

That was all Kylo needed before he pinned you under him.

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