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Summary: You comfort Kylo after he has a horrible nightmare.


Being in a relationship with Kylo Ren, the commander of the First Order, had its many advantages - but it also had its disadvantages. One of these came with Kylo's nightmares.

The man had a twisted mind, no thanks to Supreme Leader Snoke. Luckily, ever since meeting you, you were able to put a (temporary) calm on his mind. When things were getting hard, Kylo would just think of you. Yet, his mind still haunted him.

One night, the two of you were laying in bed, your back facing him. At nighttime, you would give him lots of love and affection - most of this physical affection - before sleeping to calm him down from the day's activities. Then, the two of you would fall asleep, you praying that he wouldn't have a nightmare. They not only scared him, but you, too.

You were roused from sleep by Kylo murmuring. He was tossing and turning, a sweaty mess, mumbling something incoherent. You sighed - he was having a nightmare.

"Y/N..." he called out. "Y/N!"

You shook him lightly. "Darling, come on. Wake up, it's okay." He wouldn't even open an eye.

You kept trying to wake him, until suddenly, he sat up with a cry, startling you. Tears instantly started streaming down his face. You scooted closer to him and began to rub his back.

"Darling, are you okay? What happened?" you asked gently. He didn't answer, but began to sob. You felt horrible for him. You pulled him to you so that his head was against your shoulder.

"Kylo, tell me what happened." you said firmly. You needed to know what happened so that you could help him.

"I-It was Snoke," he began through sobs. "Taking everything away from me...taking you away from me." Your breath hitched. This was what he normally had nightmares about. "I can't let him do that, Y/N, I can't-"

"Kylo, look at me." He raised his head from your shoulder and met your gaze. "I will not let Snoke tear us apart. Do you understand? I will be here no matter what, my love. You have no need to worry." With that last word, you leaned forward and softly kissed his forehead, then giving another to his tear-stained cheek.

He slowly nodded, then pulled you to him tightly. Kylo continued to cry, his sobs shaking your body. You continued to rub his back, whispering sweet words into his ears to try and calm him down. After a good while of this, he laid back down, pulling you closely to him.

You kissed him again. "Sleep, angel. You need it."

He nodded, burying his face in your chest. "Thank you, Y/N. I love you more than anything in the galaxy."

"I love you too."

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