015 (Part II)

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A/N: This is the second part to the last oneshot. Also, I apologize for how long it took me to upload this... Enjoy!

The moment you reached your living quarters, the tears wouldn't stop flowing down your face. You couldn't believe what had just occured. You saw the emotion in Kylo's eyes. His eyes were pleading for you to stay, but in the end, he still pushed you away.

With the sadness weighing on you, you couldn't even make it to your bed. You just sat against the closed door, sobs racking your body. You felt absolutely miserable.

Looking at your alarm clock, you saw that there was only an hour until you had to report to work. You looked down at the floor, vision failing due to your never-ending tears. You couldn't make yourself go to work after Kylo had just ripped your heart out.

Grabbing your holopad, you sent in a message saying you were sick and couldn't come in. Sure, the First Order was never finished, but they would be fine without you. General Hux would surely be pissed, but you couldn't care less.

After you had left his room, Kylo was also racked with tears. He hated what he had done to you, but it was what he needed to do. A plan had been brewing in his mind, and he hoped that after it had been executed, he could have you back.

Yet, there was hesitation laced in his mind as he thought about the breakup. You had screamed things like 'You're a monster!' and 'Why do you do this shit?!' as he used his lightsaber to break the things in the room. Kylo's attitude had got the best of him, and you were in the line of fire of his rage. At the time, he thought you were the one to blame.

No, Kylo thought. I'm the one to blame.

I have to do what's right.

Kylo quickly dressed himself, attaching his lightsaber to his belt and wiping at the remaining tears in his eyes. He exited his quarters and walked toward the ship hangar, where someone would be waiting for him.

Someone who would change everything.

You were still in your living quarters, eyes red from sobbing when you heard a commotion outside. Frowning, you harshly rubbed at your eyes and opened your door to see officers and droids running about in the hallways. As you were about to stop someone to ask what was going on, the Star Destroyer gave a big shake, making you fall to your knees.

You panicked. What was happening?! And more importantly, where was Kylo? Was he okay?

"We've been attacked!" you heard the voice of General Hux exclaim. "The ship has been split down the middle! Evacuate!"

Your head was spinning, trying to process what was happening. As much as you wanted to leave immediately, your heart was tugging at you to find Kylo. You weren't a Force user, but something didn't feel right.

You prayed out silently to the Force. Please. Please show me where he is. Silent tears began to stream down your face when nothing happened.

Then, one image came across your mind -- a heap of black clothing and dark hair laying on the floor of the Supreme Leader's throne room, a fiery mess around him.

"Kylo!" you yelled. Picking yourself up as you tried to keep steady, you ran to the throne room, hoping that the ship wouldn't take you or him down with it.

You finally arrived at the throne room and was met with the sight of Kylo, very confused and trying to get up. As you ran over to him, you quickly scanned the room around you -- the room was a mess, scattered with dead Praetorian guards, as well as a dead Snoke.

"Kylo, are you okay?!" you exclaimed. You pulled his large frame into your arms, cradling him as you leaned on your knees.

He wrapped his arms around you. "It's done."

You pulled back, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

As Kylo was about to answer, the ship gave another violent shake. "If we make it out alive, I'll explain everything."

Stumbling, you and Kylo managed to make it out of the crumbling Star Destroyer. When you were both safe and on a steady ship, Kylo made sure the two of you were alone before confessing everything.

"Y/N..." he began. Before saying anything else, Kylo took your hands in his. You allowed it, enjoying the feeling that you had missed so much.

"Snoke was weighing down on me," Kylo explained. "When we broke up, it nearly sent me over the edge. I couldn't handle his abuse and losing you. So, that's when I decided to fix my problems."

You gulped, looking up at him and meeting his gaze. "You killed him, didn't you?"

He nodded. "He can no longer get in the way. We no longer have to hide from him. I can love you freely. That is, if you'll forgive me..."

Letting out a content sigh, you reached up and held his cheeks in your hands. "Of course I forgive you, love. Being without you was absolute hell. I missed you so much, my space angel."

Kylo grinned, then leaned down to seal the gap in between the two of you. As you kissed him, hands going up to his hair, all you could do was think about how much you missed this.

When you pulled away from him, you took a chane to look at his scar, subconsiously running your fingers along it. "You look good, Kylo."

He looked away from you, obviously ashamed. "It's a reminder of my failure."

You shook your head, grabbing his chin and making Kylo look at you. "You're still alive, aren't you? I think you did an excellent job. Plus, you look even more dark and mysterious now. I think it's hot."

Kylo felt himself blushing. "I love you, my dear Y/N."

Brushing your thumb against his cheekbone, you gave a quick kiss to his jaw. "I love you, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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