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Summary: Kylo's favorite nickname for you is "angel", yet you never knew why.


Ever since you had been in a relationship with the infamous Kylo Ren, he had a favorite nickname for you - angel. You had no idea why, but he even used it more than your own name sometimes. It wasn't like you minded at all. You were just curious. So, one day, you decided to ask him.

You were in your living quarters and Kylo had come back from a long day of work. He set his lightsaber on his nightstand, giving you a kiss on the forehead before kissing your lips. "Hello, angel. How was your day?"

You wrapped your arms around his waist, trapping him in another kiss. "Mm, good. Hey darling...can I ask you something?"

He had sat on the edge of the bed and was taking his boots off, and looked up at you. "What is it, love?"

You took a seat next to him. "Why do you call me angel so much? I mean, it's not like I mind it-I mean, I love it, I was just wondering why..."

Kylo let out a small breath, looking down with a small grin. "I wasn't sure that you had noticed that."

He turned so that he was fully facing you, taking your hands in his. "My mother used to call me 'angel' all of the time. I can remember being really little and her running her hands through my hair when I'd have a nightmare, calling me her little space angel..." He drifted off, the memory hurting him. As much as he hated to admit it, he missed his mother more than anything.

You had started to tear up. "Kylo, you're too precious." You leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss against his lips. "I love you, my angel."

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