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Summary: Modern AU where you're an emergency veterinarian and Ben brings in his roommate's cat, Millicent in to get checked before he gets home.

Author's note: I got the inspiration to write this because I'll be a veterinary tech student this coming school year...I hope you all enjoy it!


Working as an emergency vet was amazing, crazy, and heartbreaking all at the same time. You got to do what you loved; taking care of animals. Sometimes the situations were bad, but nothing you couldn't handle.

On this one particular day, nothing exciting was happening. Only three patients had come in, and they weren't serious cases.

You walked into one of the exam rooms, where your co-workers Rey and Poe were chatting.

"Boring day, huh?" you joked, picking up a clipboard and looking through the papers attached.

Poe chuckled. "Yeah. It's weird not having something to do at every moment."

Rey lightly elbowed him in the side. "There's always something to do around here," she said with a grin.

You heard someone come into the clinic, and whoever it was sounded panicked. You and Rey rushed into the room to be greeted by the sight of a tall man holding an orange cat. He was talking to Rose, the desk receptionist.

"My roommate is going to kill me if he knows that something's wrong with his cat, even though it wasn't my fault-"

"Sir, please calm down. I need your name while the vets take your cat for examination," Rose said calmly.

"Ben. Ben Organa-Solo," he said, quickly glancing at you before looking away, but then directing his attention back at you.

Ben Organa-Solo; you recognized the man. Han and Leia were his parents, and they were friends of your parents'.

"Mr Organa-Solo, we need to know who the actual owner of this cat is," Rose said as Rey and Poe took the cat back. You were snapped out of your daze.

"His name is Armitage Hux," you heard Ben say as you walked back to the exam room.

When you reached the exam room, you snapped on a pair of gloves and a face mask, ready to assess the task at hand.

As you got to work, Poe glanced at you. "I saw you staring at that man," he said. You could hear the grin in his voice. "Ya like what you see, Y/N?"

You just glared at Poe, trying not to grin as well. "Shut up."

You, Rey and Poe got to work. It turned out the cat had eaten something that it shouldn't have and would need surgery. You looked at the name collar; her name was Millicent. Cute, you thought. As the other two prepped for the surgery, you walked out to let Ben know what was going to happen.

You called for the man, and he came back pass the reception desk to where you were standing. He was much taller than you, making you look up at him.

"Are you the vet?" he asked, giving a slight smile.

You returned the smile and nodded. "Yes, I am. Your cat needs surgery to remove a foreign object. It won't take very long, but we will have to keep her overnight."

He sighed with relief. "Thank God. My roommate would have killed me if anything serious happened. You're a miracle worker. Thank you so much...what's your name?"

"Y/N. Your parents are Ha-"

"Y/N!" Poe called. "We have a surgery to take care of!"

You felt slightly embarassed, your cheeks getting warm. "Right. Sorry. I'll talk to you after we complete the surgery, Mr Organa-Solo."

"Call me Ben," he said, giving a grin before walking back to the waiting area.

You, Poe, and Rey got to work once you got back to the exam room. It didn't take long, but the surgery was successful. After it was said and done, you called Ben back to the exam room.

He walked in, smiling when he saw the cat. "Thank you so, so much. Seriously, Armitage would have killed me."

"I'm glad we could help," you said, giving a warm smile. You looked up at Ben. He was absolutely gorgeous.

"So, your parents are Han and Leia, right?" you asked, remembering your question from earlier. "My parents are friends with them."

Ben nodded. "Yeah, they are." You noticed how he always seemed to be smiling as he talked.

As he talked on about his parents, you studied his face; he had raven hair that swooped to his jawline, beautiful hazel eyes, beauty marks peppered across his face...you were definitely going to try to land a date with him.

"So, you said you have a roommate?" you asked, trying to keep him around you longer.

"Yeah. Armitage is the one with the cat, and we also live with our friend Phasma," he said.

You got excited at the mention of the last name. "I know Phasma! She's one of my good friends."

He smiled and nodded. It was obvious that you were just trying to make small talk in order for him to stay. You decided you needed to just come out and say it; you wanted to see him again.

Just as you were about to open your mouth, he spoke. "So, listen..."

Before he could complete his sentence, you heard someone come in the door. You excused yourself and walked to the front to be met by a ginger man. He was talking to Rose, and had frustration and worry on his face.

"Can I help you?" you asked.

The ginger man turned his attention to you. "My roommate apparently brought my cat in? Millicent's her name."

"Ah, you must be Armitage Hux, correct?" He nodded, and you lead him back to the exam room where Millicent was. You could have sworn he shot a glare at Ben as he passed by him.

As Poe took Armitage into the exam room, Ben stopped you. "Listen, about what I was going to say earlier..."

"Would it happen to have involved a date?" you said. You decided to shoot your shot here and hoped that it would go well. "Because I would love to go on one."

He blushed a bit, but the grin crept back on his face. "Uh, yeah, actually. Are you busy Saturday night?"

You had a good feeling about this.


Author's note: This was just a random imagine idea that popped in my head...it's not very good, but oh well. Also...can we just start a petition for his actual name to be Ben Organa-Solo? Honestly, he's the son of royalty, you would think his mother's last name would be in there hahah. Anyway, enjoy.


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