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Life and Death are illusions.
We are in a constant state of transformation.
-Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

Sydney P.O.V

The sounds of my own screaming reminded me that I made a mistake, a painful mistake. I looked over to Levi whos hand I was holding so tight his face was red like mine I'm sure.

"You got this Katy." He said with a smile that I gave him back.

"I know sweetheart," I replied as a contraction hit me like a ton of bricks.

"We are almost there." The paramedic said as the loud alarm went off in my ear.

I looked up at my husband, Levi, and husband made with more tattoos than skin it seemed now. He was my 15th husband, and this was my first child. That always sounds like a lot but I've been alive since 1679 so not really.

I looked at Levi as I was rushed out of the ambulance and into the hospital, this had to be one of the most painful mistakes I've ever made. I looked at Levi as I was quickly rolled into the room and about 10 nurses came into the room. I looked at Levi the whole time, I love him more than I thought I could really. I've had hundreds of boyfriends, and he was one of the lucky ones I married, and he was the only white one.

"You'll be okay baby." He whispered to he cleaning the sweat off of my face.

"Alright let's get that baby out." The doctor said walking into the room, and my mom ran in behind her.

"Oh, Katy sweetheart." My mom said trying to push Levi back but he didn't move.

"Hey mom," I said as she gave me a kiss to the check.

"Your dad will be here soon, we didn't expect for you to be here Levi." She said as another contraction hit me hard making me scream a little.

"Why wouldn't I be here?" Levi asked annoyed by her like always.

"Will I though a 20-year-old high school drop out would have drugs or something to sell." My mom said with her arms crossed.

"I thought you would be with her boyfriend cheating on your husband," Levi said and my mom gave a shocked look.

"Stop," I said in a scream as another contraction hit me. 

I know we are both young, I mean I'm only 18 but having a kid was a mistake and Beth was one of the most annoying people I've ever met. My dad wasn't much better either, they had a lot of problems but their biggest one was money. They had way too much of it, and I've been rich before I know its not for everyone.

I looked at all the women around me and another contraction hit me hard, making me scream this time. Levi held my hand tight as I felt like I was going to die the most painful of death right now.

"Hello, Ms.Connally...

"Ms. Penn." Levi interrupted the nurse.

"The hell her name is Penn, She is a Connally." My mom said till Levi held up my hand showing off his and my ring.

"Katy, this is a fucking joke." She said and I screamed again at the top of my lungs.

"Looks like there's a baby coming." The doctor said walking into the room.

"Yeah, my son," Levi said but I just kept screaming past all the talking.

The doctor reached her up pulling down some alien looking lights and reached around propping both of my legs up. 

"When did this happen?" The doctor said with a worried look on her face and I let out another scream of pain.

"Whats wrong?" Levi and my mom asked together.

"Looks like we have a breached birth," The doctor said and since I wasn't sure what that meant I felt nervous.

I've died before and the more you do it, the easier dying gets, I just wake up the next person. This time was different, I didn't want to die at least I don't think so. I looked at the doctor talked to me and everything seemed to go fuzzy too like my ears stopped working.

"We need to do a C-section." She said and I nodded not really knowing what I should do.

I didn't hear what Levi say I just watched as everyone kind of ran around and I looked at my mom. I don't think I've ever seen her looking so worried, about me at least.

"You're going to be okay honey." She said as the doctor lend me over and gave me a painful anesthetic the spinal kind. 

I let out another scream and they covered me from my neck down and everyone was given teal robes to wear. I can honestly say all my years of life and I've never been in this situation before, making it scary. I didn't feel anything anymore and I looked at Levi, and he softly rubbed the back of my hand.

"Everything is going to be fine, maybe not great but fine," Levi said to me, something he always said to me.

I couldn't feel much but the pain in my chest was still killing me, I felt lightheaded and the sound of my heart monitor went crazy. I wasn't sure what was happening but it felt like death, but it was one I've never experienced before. The yelling in the room made the sound of my heart slowly fade away, or maybe it was just fading.

"Do something!" My mother yelled loud as my eyes closed.

I slowly felt the life leaving me, and I didn't fight what I knew was happening.

"Bye." Was the last thing I managed to whisper before everything went dark, and I faded into the sweet comfort of death.

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