chapter two

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Erika pov:
Lauren: come on let meet my friends
Erika: okey
?- oh look it nerdy lauren
Erika: hey leave her alone
?- oh you must be new well I'm alissa and I'm a wizard
Alissa: this two are tessa and Victoria
Erika: oh you are the one whole think you run the school
Alissa: just watch it new person
Erika: it erika
Lauren: let just go
Administer: all kids whole are 9th grader to to the dinning room and the other know where to eat
Lauren: oh it time to eat
Erika: oh so we are 9th grader
Lauren: yeah
Erika: so where are y'all sitting at
Lauren: oh where we always do
Erika: okey
Lauren: it where Anthony is sitting
Anthony: hey Lauren over here
Lauren: guys this is erika she new here
Anthony: well erika welcome to w&w Academy
Erika: thank you
Lauren: well this is maddison,of course Anthony, kyler, mia, Tristan , rocky, Sarah
Erika: well nice to meet y'all
Gang: nice to meet you two
Erika: so do they just bring us the food
Kyler: yeah pretty much
Erika: wow so cool
Jake: oh look the witches are here and in our table
Anthony: we were here first
Jake: are you sure
Erika: I'm pretty sure because we were sitting here first before y'all
Alissa: babe are this witches not moving
Jake: no they are not
Victoria: let just sit some where else because they already sat there
Chance: yeah let just go
Tessa: idiots
The wizards walk always
Lauren: ugh they are so annoying
Anthony: yeah
Maddie: jake and alissa are also the cute couple for the Wizard
Erika: what about witches like us
Lauren: we really don't have cute couple or any thing

Jake Pov:
I was that the witches stole our table but we found a new table
Alissa: babe what are you doing later
Jake: nothing might go back to my dorm
Tessa: well me and alissa got to be roomies and have the whole place to our self
Chance: cool
Tessa: yip
Ray: y'all should throw a party
Victoria: great idea
Chad: it going to be lit
Alissa: but not today
Jake: me and alex got the worst roommates
Alissa: feel bad for you
Alex: it is erika and lauren
Chad: hahah suckers
Chance: hahaha
Administrator: y'all are dismissed and hope y'all found your classes
Erika Pov
Erika: yeah when we were coming here
Lauren: yeah
Erika: so do y'all have lockers
Kyler: what is that
Erika: is where you put your books backpack and other things in
Kyler: no we just carry a computers and tablet that all
Erika: okey
Lauren: can't wait for tommorw in magic class
Erika: get to learn new spell
Lauren: yeah
Gang: see y'all tommorw
Lauren: okey
Erika: your friend are nice
Lauren: yeah

Jake Pov
Me and Alex went back to our dorms and i sit on top of the bunk beds and get the bottom
Erika: today was fun i guess
Jake: I'm new here and i never seen some thing like this
Erika: well i have not since I'm not from here
Jake: then where are you from
Erika: I'm from La where we move to have a ordinary life
Jake: then why are you here
Erika: i really couldn't control my powers and my mom wanted me to come i had a good life where i was someone to people
Jake: you were popular
Erika: no but i was a cheerleader
Jake and Alex: what that
Lauren: yeah
Erika: y'all don't have cheerleader
Lauren: no
Erika: it where you cheer for people who play a sport
Lauren: we have a spirit club
Jake: yeah
Erika: wow it so different
Jake: okey and I'm pretty sure you have never date someone
Erika: I have and i regret it
Jake: oh poor erika sje got cheat on
Erika: that is not why
Jake: then why
Erika: I'm not telling you

Erika Pov:
There life is so different. I go to the closet and change my clothes into pjs.
Lauren: i sleep in the bottom and you on the top
Erika: okey sure thing
Lauren: good night erika
Erika: good night lauren

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