chapter seventeen

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Erika pov:
So we were going to the beach🌴and it going to be fun plus we are going back to w&w Academy later today
Lauren: erika it going to be fun
Lucas: guys i can't go
Logan: why
Marcus: family things guess i see you later at your house erika
Erika: okey bye
Chloe: meet y'all at the beach
Melissa: it going to be lit
Alissa: can i come
Lauren: well your not(cut of bye erika)
Erika: want to miss it so you can come
Alissa: cool
At the beach 🌴

Lucas: okey what do y'all want to do
Erika: let build sandcastle
Lucas: really
Erika: just playing
Lauren: let go swimming
Ari: yeah
Alissa: guys look at my swimming suit it so cute
Lauren: yeah sure
Then luke end up coming and just came to us and started to flirt with Erika but she stayed and talk to her while the other left
Alissa: see jake this why you should have date me not her
Jake: but why is just talking to luke if she got hurt by him
Lauren and Chloe: i mean she need to talk and make know she taken
Melissa: you not helping
Alex: she just being polite
Jake: but she hasn't even face us to see us
July: well she talking to them
Alissa: come on jake let go swimming
Jake: sure since Erika left me and went to talk to luke
So the left
Alex: this is bad
July: yeah
Ari: what just happen
Chloe:  is Jake jealous
Logan: if erika was here she would say i sense a break up
July: don't say that
Chloe: let hit the beach
Lauren: yeah
After Jake and alissa  left few second later Erika come
Erika: hey guys where jake
Everyone: umm
Logan: he with alissa
Erika: why
Lauren: because you were with the Luke taking
Erika: i was taking to luke to make him clear that I'm taken
July: you didn't even notice that he was were flirty with you
Erika: we were just taking
Alissa and jake come to our direction
Jake: oh erika finally decided to come
Erika: yes but you went with Alissa
Jake: i was just a good friend unlike you
Erika: well i was taking to luke that i don't want him 
Jake: but you could have ignore him but did you
Erika: umm no
Jake: exactly
Erika: so
Jake: you know what
Erika: what
Jake: we might as well be friends
Erika: wait you want to break up
Jake: yes and I'm leaving bye
Erika: bye
Alissa: yesss
Chloe: really alissa
Alissa: they broke up so bye I'm leaving
Later that day
Erika: I'm getting tired and can't wait to go back to w&w Academy
Chloe: yeah same
Lauren: yip
Angle: kids the bus is here for y'all to leave
Erika: okey mom
At the bus
Logan: so erika and jake aren't taking
Chloe: yeah they broke up
Alissa: yeah I'm so happy
Tessa: this is all your fault
Lauren: guys we got a new principal and they are letting wear anything we want
Erika: cool*put on her headphone and listen to music*
Alex: so what we doing tomorrow
Jake: i just wanna sleep and forget this day
Logan: trust me
Jake: Logan you were right i shouldn't have ever trusted a witch
Erika: i should have known a a Wizard once a jerk always a jerk
Chloe: stop you guys care about each other
Erika: no and I'm getting my room change
Lauren: no erika you can't leave me
Erika: I'm sorry Lauren it for the best
Jake: good
Alissa: so can me and jake date
Jake: noo
Logan: well just chill
Erika: fine by me
Chloe: well this went good i guess
Tessa: all thanks to luke and alissa
Lauren: guys there a new kid coming tomorrow and his name is faze bank
Tessa: cool

Okey this took me a while to make and hope you enjoy. Jake wonnnnnnn yessssssssssss.

Hope you like it. 💙💛💙💛💙💛

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