chapter fourteenth

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Erika Pov:
So we walk to school since my car is getting fix right now and we got to school
Erika: chloe
Chloe: erika come on
Everyone from school: she back
Jake: I feel wierd
Logan: yup
Alissa: I want to talk to the popular kids
Blake: well if it erika costell
Erika: well hello to you blake
Alissa: hi I'm alissa
Blake: hi
Tessa: this is cool
Natalie: Erika come on talk to us
Erika: guys I see you in the classroom and in lunch bye
Jake Pov:
Well erika just left to be with her friends
Logan: great girlfriend you have Jake
Jake: well I'm not the only who have a crush on a witch you two logan
Logan: umm no I do
Alex: you your saying chloe name on your dream last night
Logan: fine you caught me
Tessa: come let go to class
Lauren: yeah
Alissa: well I'm going to talk to boy so bye
Alissa Pov:
I went to talk to this boy
Alissa: hi
?- oh hi there
Alissa: so I'm new and making new friends
?- well let me be your first friend
Alissa: so what your name
?- I'm luke
Alissa: handsome name
Erika Pov:
Mackenzie: erika guess what
Blake: there have been some problem since you were gone
Erika: okey like what
Melissa: luke have been finding you
Erika: plus I broke up with him since i was leaving and I have a new boyfriend
Chloe: yeah she does
Blake: who is it
Erika: jake
The bell just rang for class
Math class
Tessa: guys erika is in this class
Jake: erika over here
Erika: hi guys
Jake: sit by me
Erika: okey
Jake Pov:
I feel like erika is worry about some thing but try not to tell me
Jake: is there something wrong
Erika: no everything is fine
Tessa: is just us since the other have another class
Chloe: they have science erika
Erika: okey
Lauren Pov:
Well me and alex and logan and alissa had science
Alissa: ugh I'm stuck with y'all
Alex: and we are stuck with you
Luke: alissa come here you shouldn't be with this losers
Alissa: your right
Logan: alissa come over heard erika is going to get mad
Luke: wait erika here
Lauren: yeah she our friend
Luke: oh can't wait for lunch
Alissa: luke come on let go
Lunch time
Erika Pov:
So it time for lunch and wait can't wait (in the lunch table)
Jake: so we actually have to go get our food
Erika: yeah
Blake: you must be jake
Jake: that me
Lauren: hey erika I didn't know you were friends with luke
Erika: wait you talk to him
Lauren: umm yeah why
Melissa: bad idea
Logan: we said you were our friends
Alex: he also called us losers
They heard the door swag open and someone yelling
every student pointed where erika was sitting
Luke: well if it not erika
Erika: what do you want
Luke: what I want you know why I'm here
Erika: not really
Luke: you left and you broke up with me but you know the rules sweetheart I say when we are done
Erika: I don't care just leave me alone
Luke grab erika by the wrist
Luke: listen we are back together and this time you won't be leaving
Jake: leave her alone dude
Luke: and who are you
Jake: I'm her new boyfriend
Luke: well to bad cause *slap erika in the face and walk away*
Chloe: erika are you okey
Erika: yeah I'm fine*with a tear coming out*
Jake: erika who was that
Erika: umm
Marcus: that was her ex boyfriend
Lucas: he would abuse her and treat her badly
Jake: well I'm going to give a piece of my mind
Erika: jake don't just sit down
Alissa just came and miss the whole thing
Alissa: guyw I'm sitting by Luke bye
Logan: well good luck and what are going afterschool
Erika: sorry I have homework
Logan: wait what homework
Marcus: seriously it work you have to do home
Lucas: duh
Chloe: so on Saturday at my house
Melissa: come Chloe invite the whole school
Tessa: that sound fun
Chloe stand up in the table
Chloe: Saturday night party at my house
Everyone: yeahh
Tessa: so when do we go home
Erika and Chloe: *laugh*
Later that day (at home)
Jake Pov:
I really didn't know people have to do work actually
Erika: oh hey jake
Jake: hi Erika
Erika: well I'm going to my room
(He in the living room)
Tessa: so school here is different
Logan: I know it like two different world how does erika manage that
Lauren: all day I have waited to use a spell but I couldn't
Alex: yeah
Angel: you kids done with your work
Jake: um yes
Angel: y'all can go to the Park or use this phones I got y'all to use
Logan: oh cool
Tessa: this are small
Alex: I have a question for you
Angel: how do you feel that erika is dating jake
Jake: umm alex
Angel: I really don't care at longest he doesn't break her heard
Jake: i won't
Angel: well get ready for bed it night already
Erika Pov:
I was in my room cleaning up and reading some fan fiction on wattpad
Knock knock
Erika: come in
Jake: I know we haven't been in our first date but trust me when we go back I will take you
Erika: you do know there are places here
Jake: I know but I really don't know which is a place for our date
Erika: okey i guess I can wait for it
Jake: good night goat
Erika: good night dino
(They all went to sleep in there room)
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