chapter six

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Erika Pov:
I was going to this party even if wizard are there
Lauren: so are we going
Erika: yeah get ready
Lauren: what if i wear this

Jake: you look ugly Erika: honey don't i will help you and trust me you will look wow Lauren: okey Jake Pov: Alex: dude are you going Jake: nah i will pass Alex: come on let go there be girls Jake: fine Alex: dope Erika Pov: Erika: okey lauren let...

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Jake: you look ugly
Erika: honey don't i will help you and trust me you will look wow
Lauren: okey
Jake Pov:
Alex: dude are you going
Jake: nah i will pass
Alex: come on let go there be girls
Jake: fine
Alex: dope
Erika Pov:
Erika: okey lauren let me do something with your hair and let give a outfit that i think will look good on you
Lauren out fit

Jake: you look ugly Erika: honey don't i will help you and trust me you will look wow Lauren: okey Jake Pov: Alex: dude are you going Jake: nah i will pass Alex: come on let go there be girls Jake: fine Alex: dope Erika Pov: Erika: okey lauren let...

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Without the hat
Erika: you look wow
Lauren: i look different
Erika outfit

Without the hat Erika: you look wow Lauren: i look different Erika outfit

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They walk together to there door
Alex: wow
Jake outfit

They walk together to there door Alex: wow Jake outfit

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Alex outfit

Jake Pov: I heard alex so i walk out and see what he meet with that Jake: umm what you think changing your outfit will make y'all look better Erika: umm i guess not Knock knock Anthony: hey erika and Lauren ready to go Lauren: wait no but you and ...

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Jake Pov:
I heard alex so i walk out and see what he meet with that
Jake: umm what you think changing your outfit will make y'all look better
Erika: umm i guess not
Knock knock
Anthony: hey erika and Lauren ready to go
Lauren: wait no but you and erika can go
Erika: we can wait
Lauren: no just go i will catch up with y'all later
Erika and Anthony: okey see than
Lauren Pov:
I really wanted anthony and erika to go alone they are so cute
Jake: why didn't you left with them nerdy Lauren
Lauren: it because i know they like each other and they will get to spend together .
Jake: WHAT
Alex: jake are you okey
Jake: yeah I'm okey*lies*
Lauren: you are so wierd so I'm leaving bye
Jake pov:
I have felt so heart broken when Lauren said they like each other
Alex: hey man we don't have to go if you don't want to
Jake: I'm good let go
Alex: okey
Anthony pov:
I use to have a crush on erika but now i like mia
Erika Pov:
Once we got to the party Anthony left to find mia he said so i was all alone when a boy came to me
?-hey cutie
Erika: hi i guess
?-what if we go talk privately
Then i see Lauren walk in but then jake and alex came after her
Erika: I'm be right back
?-okey see you later
Erika: lauren you made It
Jake: oh you alone where your boyfriend Anthony
Erika: he not my boyfriend he with mia
Lauren: go away jerks
Erika: I'm going to go talk to that boy privately
Lauren: okey
Lauren walk back to the boy
?-oh back so soon
Erika: so what your name
?- it ben and yours cutie
Erika: it erika
Jake Pov
I was getting jealousy when she was firltly with ben. He is a wizard all he want just to have sex with her. But i will keep my eyes on them.
To be continue.....

I know i posted late but i was so busy. What will happen
1. Ben rape her
2.she falls in love with him
Please vote and see until tomorrow

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