chapter four

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Erika Pov:
I wake up and see a messages from Melissa if i wanted to go to the beach. So i texted her yeah and we are meeting there.
Erika: lauren do you want to go to the beach
Lauren: what that
Erika: do y'all have pool in the w&w Academy
Lauren: yeah
Erika: it like that but bigger
Lauren: okey but i really didn't bring any swimsuit (it still August)
Erika: don't worry you can borrow something from me
Angle: Erika come downstairs and eat breakfast
Erika: coming mom
Pam: what are you making
Angel: waffles
Jake: they look like pancakes
Logan: yeah
Angel: well they are kinda
Erika: mom me and lauren are going to the beach
Angel: okey honey
Jake: can i come
Logan: same since i don't know what a beach is
Erika: sure if y'all bought swim short
Jake: i did
Logan: same
Erika: okey get ready because we are leaving
Erika outfit

 Erika: lauren do you want to go to the beach Lauren: what that Erika: do y'all have pool in the w&w Academy Lauren: yeah Erika: it like that but bigger Lauren: okey but i really didn't bring any swimsuit (it still August) Erika: don't worry you c...

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Jake pov:
Me and Logan go to our room and change into our blue or Orange short. Then we went to the living room to wait for erika with Lauren.
Logan: wow Erika
Erika: ready to go
Jake: trying to look good but you still going to be ugly
Erika: whatever let just go
At the beach🌴
Erika Pov:
Erika: hey guys I'm here
Chloe: you came
Blake:loving your outfit
Erika: thank you
Jake: this a beach cool
Erika: i had fun being with you guys but i have to leave
Erika friends: we will miss you
Erika: i will miss you too guys
At home
Pam: are y'all ready to go back to w&w Academy
Erika: not really but sure
Lauren: sure
Jake: yess
Logan: of course
Pam: let go
Angel: bye erika see you then
Erika: later mom
W&W Academy
Jake pov:
I got to experience a normal teen life which i mean was cool. But now back at where people know me and run it. Which I can also get my feeling for Erika to go away because once there we have to hate each other.
Jake: okey nerdy what do y'all have tommorw
Erika: why do you care wizard
Jake: because i ask
Lauren: i have magic spell for tomorrow
Erika: same
Alex: dude you back
Jake: yeah what class do you have tomorrows
Alex: magic spell
Jake: so we all have it
Erika: yeah we are stuck with you it going to be fun(sarcastic)
Jaka: haha very funny*sarcastic*
Lauren: well I'm going to get ready for bed
Erika: same
This is how there dorms look like

 Dorms Jake: okey nerdy what do y'all have tommorw Erika: why do you care wizard Jake: because i ask Lauren: i have magic spell for tomorrow Erika: same Alex: dude you back Jake: yeah what class do you have tomorrowsAlex: magic spell Jake: so we a...

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Jake: well bye losers
Erika: you talking to your self
Jaka: no I'm talking to you
Erika: sure
Knock knock
Jake: i will open
Erika Pov:
Jake was opening the door
Jake: oh look it another witch
Lauren: Anthony
Anthony: hey i just thought on bringing you some roses erika
Erika: well thank you Anthony
Anthony: your welcome
Erika: well I'm going to find a vase
Lauren Pov:
I feel like Anthony has a crush on Erika. So erika left to find a vase
Lauren: Anthony do you have a crush on erika
Anthony: maybe
Lauren: aww you do
Anthony: i do but don't tell her
Jake: aww so cute*mocking lauren*
Anthony: well you tomorrow at magic spell class
Jake Pov:
I kinda got jealous when Anthony said he had a crush on Erika. But i can't fall for her i just can't.
Erika: okey I'm back i found a vase
Lauren: good
Erika: well I'm going to take a shower and then sleep
Lauren : okey

Hope you enjoy it. Give this a like if you did until next time.
Bye love y'all🐐🐐🐐

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