chapter twelve

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Kris is planning on asking erika out. Erika is going to talk to the administor if they can have a cheerleaders.
Story time
Erika Pov:
So me and lauren are walking to the administor
Lady: good morning girls
Erika: umm can we talk to the administor about something
Lady: sure walk in
Lauren: thank you
Administor: what bring y'all here
Erika: i have a question about something
Administrator: what your question hon
Erika: can we have a cheer- leaders
Administrator: umm I don't know
Erika: please and it can also make the crowd make some noise
Administrator: I will let you do it but if i don't like it then no more
Erika: thank you
Administrator: wait but yall don't have uniform or anything ready
Erika: don't worry i have a plan
Administor: well good luck
Lauren: yess
Jake Pov:
Alex is right i shouldn't hide my feeling about erika. He right if i hide I'm going to erika forever.
Alex: jake do you want to play some fornite
Jake: sure
Kris: guys i got some flowers for lauren and I'm going to leave it on her bed so i will be back later
Alex: okey see you at the game
Kris: okey bye
Erika Pov:
So now we are walking to Chloe room
Chloe: erika what the news
Erika: they said yes we can have one
Lauren: okey so who on the team
Chloe: well i have ayla
Lauren: then there mia and maddison and Alexa
Erika: with us that 7 people
Lauren: so what do we do
Erika: I'm going to go ask people and chloe you start measure them and make some bows cuz your good at them
Chloe: on it
Erika: lauren come on
As they were leaving tessa was there
Erika: tessa can I ask you something
Tessa: umm from what do I want to hear from a loser
Erika: i was asking if you want to be a cheerleader with us
Tessa: what is that
Lauren: you know how the other school they have girls tumbling and cheering all that
Tessa: yeah so you want me in
Erika: yeah
Tessa: fine but just this once got it losers
Erika: okey lauren come on let go find more
Lauren: okey
Jake Pov:
I was planning on getting the flower for Erika not to get it
Alex: jake don't even think about
Jake: come on alex just for once let me
Alex: no jake
Jake: fine
Alex: good boy
Erika Pov:
So we had our team
(Witch💜 wizard❤)
Maddison 💜
Erika: so this is the whole team
Tessa: well atleast there are some wizards here
Lauren: so what are we going to wear
Chloe: and also what is our cheer
Erika: come let go our dorms cause that where I have the materials
Chloe: okey let go
Erika: but first let go to the gym and practice a routine
Tessa: okey
Ayla: I always wanted to be apart of a group
Amber: let get this over with
Dorms (5 hours before the game)
Jake: tessa why are you with them
Tessa: I'm with erika whole cheerleader thing
Jake: really tes
Alex: that cool
Tessa: i thoughts witches are bad but they aren't they are pretty cool
Ashley: yeah
Lauren: erika there something in your bed
Tessa:woo they are flower
Erika: they are from kris *blushing*
Tessa: she blushing
Lauren: come on let go back to work
Erika: okey i need to make a measurement of your body to make the outfit
Chloe: i will make the bows
Tessa: i want to help
Erika: well you can help me get everyone measurement
Lauren: i will help Chloe
Everyone else: we will go make poster
Erika: great idea
Jake pov:
Ever since Erika came she have been changing everything and breaking rule
Alex: see jake even tessa and other wizard are hangout with erika
Jake: yeah but once the rest of the student know what going on they will be getting mad about it
Alex: why do you care what they think
Jake: i don't
Alex: then why don't you talk to them
Jake: i can't
Alex: see what i mean
Erika Pov:( 2 hours before the game)
Erika: here is everyone outfit and bow

 Alex: jake do you want to play some fornite Jake: sure Kris: guys i got some flowers for lauren and I'm going to leave it on her bed so i will be back later Alex: okey see you at the game Kris: okey bye Erika Pov: So now we are walking to Chloe r...

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Without the word that said papi but nothing on it Tessa: these are cool Erika: I'll meet y'all in the field Lauren: see you there and alex do you wanna come Alex: yeahErika: just date yall two Jake and erika were in the room just there two Jake Po...

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Without the word that said papi but nothing on it
Tessa: these are cool
Erika: I'll meet y'all in the field
Lauren: see you there and alex do you wanna come
Alex: yeah
Erika: just date yall two
Jake and erika were in the room just there two
Jake Pov:
Come on jake get the gut and just ask her before kris does. Then erika came into the room and all ready
Jake: wow
Erika: jake you still here
Jake: yeah can i ask you something
Erika: sure
Little does jake know that erika also have a crush on him
Jake: i was wondering of you would like to date some time
Erika: jake i would love that
Jake: wait really even tho i treated you bad
Erika: i dont care about that
Jake: so you will go on a date with me
Erika: yes
Jake: okey
Erika: well I got to go see you after the game
Erika Pov:
Yes yes jake ask me out on a date
Lauren: fanilly you show up
Erika: okey let get this crowd pump up
Alissa: tessa what are you doing with this people
Tessa: cheering with
Alissa: oh I see you want to be loser again
Tessa: no I'm just having fun and they do care what i do and say
Victoria: come on liss let just walk away from them
Alex: lauren and the other good luck
Lauren: thank babe
Erika: since when
Lauren: today
Erika: I'm proud of you
Logan: look it the wanna be popular
Erika: i don't care what you say
Logan pushes erika to ground but jake see it
Jake: yo Logan what the f*ck
Logan: just teaching her not to break any rule us student made
Jake: well leave her alone
Alissa: jake why you standing up for this loser
Alex: come on jake just say it
Jake: ca..cause I like her
Everyone: awww
Kris: alex our plan work
Jake: what you mean plan
Alex: i did this whole thing to make you jealous and it work
Logan: well bye losers
Administrator: okey now for our cheerleader have a routine they practiced for
Erika: come on girls we got this
Tessa: yeah we do cause we are
Lauren: w and w
Erika: yeah
This is the routine

(Just ignore what they are saying but just what they are doing)
Jake: erika you did great
Erika: thank*blushing*

Hope you enjoy it and what going to happen then. Comment anything that you would like to see I will somehow put it in. Hope you enjoy.

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