chapter nine

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At erika house
Erika: i think i will take this jeep
Jake: cool
Lauren: come on let go
Alex: yeah
Logan: get in losers
Lauren: actually I'm riding with erika
Logan: okey bye
Jake Pov:
I really like erika but if i tell my brother he will think I'm crazy and full of my self
Logan: so brother jakey any girl in your life
Jake: i don't know
Logan: who do you like
Jake: some one okey
Logan: okey but it better not be witch
Alex: why Logan what wrong with it
Logan: okey we are not allow date witches okey
Jake: yeah alex
Alex: well i like a girl who is a witch
Logan stop the car
Logan: alex take that back
Alex: i won't
Jake: alex just do it
Alex: never
Logan: out
Alex: fine
Logan: okey bye
Logan drove off
Erika pov:
Me and lauren got in the jeep and drove off
Lauren: erika there someone walking there
Erika: you right let me stop
Lauren: okey
Erika: do you need a ride
Lauren: it alex
Alex: umm i don't know
Erika: i will give you a ride if you want
Lauren: come on alex let us just help you
Alex: sure why not
Erika: i thought you were riding with jake and logan
Alex: I was until they kick me out
Lauren: omg why would they do that
Alex: it cause they didn't agree with me of the choose I took
Lauren: what is that y'all didn't agree
Alex: about stuff
Erika: come on Alex tell us we will not get mad or leave you or make fun of you
Alex: fine
Lauren: tell us
Alex: we were taking about crushes when I said that I like a witch so logan got mad because wizard and witches aren't allow to date
Erika: really that a rule
Alex: no is that we are just two different world
Lauren: who do you like
Alex: umm I can't say
Erika: come we are friends right
Alex: i guess so
Lauren: don't worry i also like someone but they are a Wizard
Erika: wooah
Alex: is the thing is that i like you lauren
Lauren: no way me two
Erika: aww this is cute
Lauren: but i think we should be friend and get to know each other
Alex: agree
Erika: we are at school and made it back
Jake Pov:
Man i felt so bad what my brother did to Alex hope he will make it. The girls still haven't made it
Jake: alex your safe
Alex: yeah but thanks to laur and rik
Jake: you meet new people
Alex: no it lauren and erika
Jake: your pretending to be their friend right
Alex: no we are friend
Erika Pov:
Me and lauren decide to walk into our dorms
Alex: we are friends
Erika: hi alex
Alex: hi rik and lauren
Lauren: hi alex
Alex: thank you again for giving me a ride
Jake: you know our deal we did with the witches we will never be friends or date
Alex: well i don't care
Erika: it time for change cause that in the pass and this is the future
Lauren: well it late guys we should get ready for bed
Jake: i guess that a good idea
Alex: goodnight guys
J.e.l. : good night alex

Hope you enjoy and what going to happen that know alex is friends with erika and Lauren. Until next time love y'all❤❤

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