chapter seven

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Erika Pov:
Ben: come on let go to a room and talk
Erika: sure let go
They walk together up stairs

Jake pov:
It hurt inside of me that I can't have Erika. I have really like her since the first time I like her. Butseem so happy with her. I really like her and she so beautiful. We are just two different world. I saw her and ben walk together up stairs

Later on Jake gone and follow them and it only Erika and Ben
Ben pov:
There was no one  and this my chance to get close to Erika .
Ben: Erika come to upstair room
Erika : on my way
Erika pov:
I talk to lauren and then tell i will see her later but ben called me to go with him.
Jake Pov:
They were together so i tell alex to come with me and we follow erika and ben to the room
Ben pov:
Once Erika got in I close the door and got closer to her and started kissing her than she backed up and ran away from me I try to get her she keep yelling for help like anyone will save her. I pin to the bed and started to kiss her and try to take her cloth out but then
Jake  pov:
Me and Alex got to the room  and we heard Erika yelling for help and went through the window since the door wasn't open. I see ben trying to have sex with my with the girl who I so I grab ben and punch him while Alex take Erika to her dorms
Ben: well it jakePaul
Jake: I will tell administor
Ben: not if I ran away
But jake punch him which knock him out and ran to the dorms
Jake: Erika are you okay
Erika: no I want Lauren
Jake: let me tell alex to go for her
Erika: jake thank you for saving me
Jake: your welcome
Step in the hallway and talk to alex
Alex: Jake
Jake: i need to go and get Lauren
Alex: okey will be back
At the party
Alex Pov:
Alex: lauren can you come back to the dorms
Lauren: okay and why
Alex: Erika
Lauren: ERIKA what
Alex: I tell you when you come to the dorms
Erika pov:
Alex took me up dorms and I cry and she gave me some cloth to change into
Later that day
Jake pov:
I see lauren and alex coming this way
Lauren: Jake what did you do
Jake: I did nothing
Lauren: what in and see Erika crying still
Erika: lauren you come
Lauren: what did jake do to you
Erika: he save me
Lauren: from what
Erika: bentry to raped me
Lauren: *hug Erika as Erika cry on her* and say thank you to alex and jake
Anthony: here you are
Jake: Anthony where were you and i thought you like her
Anthony = cause I like her from the first time I saw her but now i like mia
Erika: Jake we can let him stay but if
Jake: okay Erika
Anthony: understood
So Anthony left and everyone went to sleep

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