chapter twenty

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Jake Pov:
I was with laurex(sad they broke up) and tristen and tessa in the apartments hang out. And we were waiting for Logan and his girlfriend to come.
Alex: um jake if you don't mind. I invited Zac to come to game night
Jake: it okey dude. I know he your friend
Alex: I told him to bring a plus 1 for him to have a partner
Jake: cool and I have alissa as my partner
Alex: oh okey
Erika Pov:
Today was game night that Laurex organized. But I don't if i should go because Zac ask me to go with him.
Chloe: erika are you okey
Logan: are you
Erika: yeah is that jake will be there
Logan: just worry about you and zac cause he going with alissa
Erika: oh
Chloe: come on girl. I will be there it going to be fun.
Erika: I guess
Lauren pov:
I was putting out the snacks and drinks for everyone to have. I was putting the stuff when there was a knock on the door.
Lauren: jake or alex can y'all get it
Jake: I'm on it
Jake Pov:
I go and open the door and it was alissa and Zac
Alissa: hi jakey boo
Jake: don't call me like that
Zac: well hi Jake can I come in
Jake: oh right yeah come in
Tessa: Zac what are you doing here
Zac: alex invited me so I ask erika to come with me
Jake: oh really
Zac: yeah but I think she will be coming later
Jake: great
Zac: oh hi alex
Alex: what sup dude
Zac: nothing bro but what are we really doing
Alex: game night
Erika Pov:
I got into comfy clothes and walk with Chlogan.
Lauren: oh erika you came
Erika: yeah zac invited me come
Lauren: cool come in guys
Zac: erika you came actually
Erika: yeah I came
Zac: man you look beautiful like always
Erika: thank you zac*blush😳*
Jake: oh Alissa hi
Erika: oh hi jake and alissa*😒*
Alissa: oh snerika
Erika: greak you remember my name
Tessa: omg my bestie came
Alissa: that right
Tessa: not you I'm taking about
Erika: I'm here boo
Tessa: that right rik
(Idk what I'm typing anymore)
Game time
No one Pov:
Zac: okey truth or dare jake
Jake: truth for now
Zac: is it truth that you love alissa
Jake: that not true
Jake: alex truth or dare
Alex: dare
Jake: i dare you to make out with lauren
Alex: oh that easy (😭laurex)
Tessa: Zac is there any girl you asking for homecoming
Zac: hey you didn't let me choose but anyways there is a special girl
Tessa: who
Alissa: it going to be me
Zac: oh hell no
Erika: haha😄
Alissa: shut up
*2 hour later*
Alissa: I'm leaving
Zac: okey bye and erika bye I'm also leaving see you around
Erika: yeah sure and thank you for choosing me to be your panther for game night
Zac: sure no problem bye rik
Erika: bye
Tessa: woah
Lauren and chloe: some one is happy
Tessa: and might have a date for home coming
Girls: *scream* ahhhhhh
Erika: calm down
Logan: I'm actually agreeing with them rik he is the most popular guy in school
Tessa: the best looking guy
Tristian: any girl will be lucky to go with him
Erika: okey guys there only one guy I want to go with
Girl: whooo
Jake: probably a f*vk boy
Erika: yeah I dated one and you were one jake
Chloe: sorry logan but I'm leaving with erika
Logan: let me go with y'all
Chloe: sure
Jake Pov:
Stupid stupid Jake why did I even say that. I miss rik and all of her way she would be with me. Ugh I'm so stupid

Hope you enjoy and I know I took forever.

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