chapter five

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Erika pov:
I wake you and take a quick shower and get ready for school. The thing i hated is wearing uniform and now i have to wear it.
Lauren: ready to go
Erika: sure
As they open the door they saw someone
Anthony: hello ladies
Erika: oh hi tony
Lauren: Tony?!?!?!
Anthony: Tony?!?!?!
Erika: it short for Anthony
Anthony: i like it
Lauren: aww so cute
I started to blush a little
Erika: come let go
Jake: y'all are so weird sometime witches or i should called y'all losers
Anthony: hey wizard you are a jerks sometime you know that why your girlfriend cheat on you
Lauren: Tony did you just spell the beans
Anthony: yeah
Erika: we should go
Jake: Alissa love Anthony she would never
We closed the door and walk to the cafe store
Jake Pov:
I woke up and change clothes into uniform. then i decided to be in my bed and wait until alissa come
Alex: bro I'm leaving see you soon
Jake: okey bye
Then the girls were leaving but Anthony came to walk with them. I started to feel jealously when Anthony is firltly with Erika. After that he said Alissa has been cheating on me. I check the clock and alissa has not been here so i decided to leave. I open the door and see
Jake: alissa who is this
Alissa: is just my friend
Jake: then why were you kissing him
Alissa: it cause umm max
Max: it cause she have been cheating on you with a 11 grader
Jake: why would you do this to me
Alissa: cause we never have fun or hangout alot and with max i get to do all that
Jake: we are over i never want to see you
Alissa: fine by me let go max
Jake go back to the room
Alex: hey bro i brought you some food
Jake: i don't want any
Alex: hey dude what happen
Jake: alissa was cheating on me*tears almost coming out*
Alex: dude I'm so sorry
Jake: bro you didn't do anything
Alex: there are other wizard girls
Jake: yeah but i like someone
Alex: who
Jake: is that i can't fall for them
Alex: *sigh* is she a witch
Jake: yeah but don't tell anyone
Alex: i would not because lauren our roommates i had a crush on her since 6 grade
Jake: really but now she our roommate
Alex: yeah come we need to go to magic class
Erika Pov:
Erika: so Anthony what class do you have today
Anthony: magic spell
Erika: so we are together in this class
Anthony: dope
Chloe: erika hi
Erika: you made it but why with a different color of pin
Chloe: I'm in 10 grade
Erika: okey well see you soon got to go
Chloe: okey bye
Anthony: should walk to class
Erika: we should
Magic spell
Jake Pov: we walk there and the professor had choosen assign seat

 I open the door and see Jake: alissa who is this Alissa: is just my friend Jake: then why were you kissing him Alissa: it cause umm max Max: it cause she have been cheating on you with a 11 grader Jake: why would you do this to me Alissa: cause w...

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Professor: you will be assign your seat but 4 people in group
1: Jake Tessa Erika Anthony
2: Alex Victoria Lauren Tristan
3: alissa Ray maddison kylet
It goes on and on
Erika Pov:
Anthony: yes we got to sit together
Erika: yip
Tessa: oh come on we have to sit by them
Jake: i know
Tessa: y'all two make me sick
Erika: no one told you to look at us
Professor: today y'all need to work together and use your power by hand or stick to unlock those messes strangle rope,headphones,wires,strings and you will be able to work this out of school
Anthony: oh right
Erika: cool
Later that day
Lauren: Erika do you want to go to the party for freshman
Erika: sure
Lauren: you can wear what ever you want
Erika: okey
Jake: come on you two are going to go burf
Alex: burf

To be continue

Hope you like and don't worry i will try to write today the next part to this story and trust me jerika is on the way or will Anthony stop it from happening leave in the comment
Bye until next time

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