chapter ten

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Erika Pov:
Me and Lauren woke up and i did my make up and wear my uniform
Lauren: Erika we are having breakfast with the crew
Erika: sound good
Lauren: um Alex would you like to come with us
Alex: sure
Jake: come on alex don't be like that
Alex: I want to go and i will go
Jake: fine i don't care
Lauren: come on
Alex: coming
Jake Pov:
I can't believe alex just did that he rather spend time with the witches instead with his friends. Just wow alex
Erika Pov:
We went with our crew and alex was with us
Anthony: what is he doing here
Lauren: he our friend
Mia: what
Madison: what
Kyler: what wrong with you guys
Erika: we thought it was time to change the rules around here
Anthony: well nice to meet you
Lauren: alex
Anthony: nice to meet you alex
Alex: nice to meet you Anthony
Mia: hi I'm mia
Lauren: this is kyler,Madison, sunny , Mackenzie , and Zac
Zac: sup
Alex: so new people
Lauren: yip
Erika: yeah we are all got along great and plus the other people were busy to come
Alex: okey
Zac: you should come to the party that we are throwing on friday
Alex: okey
Zac: okey see you there
Lauren: wait where is it
Mia: it at the pizza plaze
Erika: okey
Alex: okey can't wait what are y'all celebrating
Zac: that erika and Lauren made to the top student
Alex: well congrats guys
Jake and his crew: oh look there a wizard hangout with the witches
Alex: stop it jake
Tessa: guys did y'all here something
Chance: no i heard nothing
Alex: haha very funny guys *sarcastic*
Zac: just leave him alone and go on with y'all life
Jake: come on guys let go
Tessa: let go
So they walk away
Alex: sorry about them
Zac: it fine
Erika: you are family 
Gang: yeah
Erika: well see yall going to pe today
Lauren: same
Alex: bye I will catch with y'all later
Jake pov:
I can't believe there a new student coming and he will be staying with us. All i know they are a wizard
Chance: i can't believe alex did this
Alissa: me neither
Tessa: like who does he think he is
Jake: come on guys let just go to class
Alissa: okey
Victoria: come let go
Pe class
Lauren came running to erika
Lauren: rik guess what
Erika: what Lauren(what can lauren nickname be)
Lauren: there a new kid and they are a boy
Erika: cool what is he
Lauren: he a wizard
Alex came to us
Alex: guess the new kid is in our class
Lauren: he is
Anthony: the new kid is a Wizard
The new kid come in our way
Alice(one of there other friends): guys he coming this way
??- hey
All: hi
??-I'm new
Alissa: we know so you should hangout with me and my crew instant of this crew
?-i rather hangout with them
Alissa: whatever bye
??- i was wondering if we can be friends
Lauren: yess ... I mean yeah you can hang out with us
?- cool
Erika: so what your name
? I'm kris
Lauren: well hi kris
Coach: today y'all have free time
Everyone: yeah
Kris: so what do y'all like to do
Erika: we like to talk and hang out
Kris: cool
Alex: well it cool that we got a new guy in the group
Anthony and kyer: hey
Alex: i mean I'm the only wizard and now there is another one here
Erika: let play magicball
Kris: i love magic ball
Alex: same
Jake Pov:
Alissa: i can't believe the new kid rather hang out with them
Victoria: ever since erika came she change this whole school
Jake: guys it not her fault
Tessa: Jake is right it our fault for not putting her in ber place and she will play
Chance: look how kris and erika are playing magicball it like if they firtly with each other
Alissa: no he mine i call dips
Jake: what
Alissa: we aren't together no more
Jake: i know but I'm surprise you like someone that fast
Alissa: well what can i say
Erika: well kris this is your room
Kris: have some one ever called you beautiful or pretty
Erika: umm no
Kris: well you are
Alex: bro you will be sleeping in the sofa we have
Kris: cool
Lauren: oh yeah this is jake the other wizard here
Jake: sup
Lauren: well I'm going to practice my magic
Erika: well I'm just going to help her
Kris: night beautiful
Alex: you and erika make a cute couple
Kris: thank man
Jake: alex can i have a word with you outside
Alex: sure

Jake: man i thought you had my back and you said that me and erika make a cute couple
Alex: well the one you let their brother kick me out of the car and if you like erika you would have stand up for her like i did with lauren
Jake: i can't because I really like Erika the witch
?-what did you say

Hope you enjoy and sorry for not updating get busy even tho it summer comment any ideas and who do you think it waz
-love J💖💖

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