chapter three

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Jake Pov:
So me and alex woke up early and decided to prank lauren amd erika by pouring water on them.
Erika: *scream*
Jake and Alex: hahaha
Lauren: oh my gosh y'all jerks
Erika: ugh
Lauren: come on erika get ready we are going to be late
Erika: okey
Erika Pov
I hate those Wizard.
Lauren: come let go have breakfast
Erika: okey
They were walking to the dinning room
Anthony: hi erika
Erika: hi Anthony
Mia: y'all look so cute together
I blush a little
Jake: no they don't it me and Alissa
Witches: go away wizards
Jake: we will leave
Anthony: erika just don't listen to them that how they are
Administrator: so y'all will have a 3 days off because we have to get more teacher for the biggest student of number we have.
Witches and wizard: yeah
Erika: it going to be fun
Lauren/Erika Alex/jake dorm
Jake Pov:
Alright we have a 3 day of break
Alissa: jake we should hangout but i have to go bye
Jake: bye
Alex: well look who we have here lauren and Erika
Jake: y'all will be stuck with us for a three whole day
Erika: no I'm going to La
Lauren: cool
Erika: do you want to come with me
Lauren: really
Jake: blah blah
Erika Pov:
I'm was excited that i would get to see my friend for a 3 days 
Lauren: i called my parents and they said i can go
Jake: oh great
Alex: well at least we have this whole place to our self
Jake: yeah it going to be lit
Erika: well i have to get packing
Lauren: same here
Jake Pov:
I was chilling on the tablet when my mom called me and said that me and Logan are going to La to see one of her friends.
Jake: erika guess what
Erika: what jake (annoy voice)
Jake: I'm going to La
Erika: what
Jake: yeah see you there
Erika: good luck servings there
Jake: is that a challenge
Erika: it is
Knock knock
Random person: erika and Lauren the car to La is here and jake your mom is here
Alex: oh so I'm the only one staying her
Jake: yeah
Alex: well see you than jake
At L.A.
Erika Pov:
We have arrive to La which I miss so much
Lauren: it beautiful here
Erika: why did Jake car stop here
Lauren: who knows
Me and Lauren get out and walk to my porches with our bags
Pam: hey erika is angel here
Angel: Pam you made It
Erika: Lauren please tell me that jake mom is friend with erika mom.
Lauren: i think they are
Logan: cool place
Jake: haha erika you can't get rid of me where ever you go
Erika: what ever
Angel: honey take logan and jake to there room
Erika: the guest room
Angle: yeah
Lauren Pov
We are stuck with jake so annoying
Jake: cool place erika
Erika: thanks i think
Lauren: so erika how school with witches and wizard here
Jake: yeah
Erika: umm there the thing
Logan: don't say that we get along right
Erika: there no witches and wizard. I have to hide my powers from the normal people
Lauren: really
Erika: yeah that why i change school
Jake: so what do you do
Erika: oh not that much
Logan: there no connection for our tablets to work
Lauren: what
Erika take her phone out
Jake: what is that
Logan: i think it a mini tablet
Erika: no it a phone
Lauren: a what
Erika: a phone📱
Jake: okey nerdy Erika
Erika: hey lauren want to go the park
Lauren: sure i guess
Erika: good because my friends are there
Jake: i will come
Logan: same
Erika Pov
At the park
July: guys it erika
Lucas: hey erika
Blake: there is my baby
Erika: for the last time Blake we broke up
Blake: sure we did
Erika: we did
Chloe: hey erika can we talk privately
Erika: sure they can come jake logan and lauren
Chloe: erika I'm changing school to w&w Academy
Erika: yessss
Logan: hi I'm logan
Chloe: hi I'm chloe
Logan: I'm a wizard
Chloe: I'm a witch
Jake: oh this can't happen
Logan: i know i just wanted to play with her emotion
Lauren: chloe sorry but this two are jerks
Chloe: it fine
Erika: i miss yall guys
Lucas: here two
Nathan: your mom said you change school
Erika: yeah
Jake: she nerd
Blake: erika a nerd she was the queen of the school and the most popular girl.
Erika: aww but we are still broken up
Blake: it was worth of try
Erika: guys I'm only here for today
Melissa: so then let go get some ice cream
Lauren: yeah please
Erika: let go
Back home
Angel: erika I'm happy you come and I'm sad you leaving tomorrow but hope you have a fun day on your first day of school.
Erika: i will mom
Angel: good night lauren and erika
Jake Pov:
I feel like I'm developing a crush on Erika but she a witch and I'm a wizard. I try to tell my self i already have a girlfriend name alissa

Hope you enjoy and tommorw is their first day school at w&w Academy. Hope you enjoy it. Leave anything in the comment what you would like to see

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