chapter fifteen

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Next morning
Erika Pov:
I woke up and wore this

Lauren: you look good Erika Erika: thanks Lauren(This is tessa and lauren outfit)

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Lauren: you look good Erika
Erika: thanks Lauren
(This is tessa and lauren outfit)

Lauren: you look good Erika Erika: thanks Lauren(This is tessa and lauren outfit)

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Alissa outfit

Alissa outfit

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Alex Jake Logan

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Alex Jake Logan

Alex Jake Logan

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Jake: erika you look good Erika: thanks jake Jake: do we have to go to school Erika: yeah so let's go Lauren: let's go At school Natellie: omg erika we need to talk Erika: what going on natellieNatellie: well Luke have been saying that you are a s...

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Jake: erika you look good
Erika: thanks jake
Jake: do we have to go to school
Erika: yeah so let's go
Lauren: let's go
At school
Natellie: omg erika we need to talk
Erika: what going on natellie
Natellie: well Luke have been saying that you are a slut
Erika: WHAT?!?!?!
Jake: that not true
Erika: I need to find Luke
Chloe: don't do it erika
Erika: I have two guys
Lauren: we all come with you
Erika: no I have to go alone
Jake: let me come please
Erika: no, I said I'm going alone
Lauren pov:
Erika just left to talk to Luke by her self.
Chloe: don't worry Erika is strong guys
Lauren: okey
Logan: maybe we should follow her
Natellie: no stay here until she come back
Logan: okey Natellie
Erika Pov:
I was on my way to find Luke so I can shut his little mouth.
Erika: where the heck is Luke
Luke: well if it not Erika costell
Erika: we need to talk
Luke: about what sweetheart
Erika: that I broke up with you cause you abuse me and we are never ever getting back together
Luke: oh she mad now
Erika slap luke face and walk away
Luke: you will be back for me b*tch
Erika just kept walking back to her friends
Jake pov:
Erika was coming back
Erika: so guys do you want to go to the groove later
Natellie: I'm down
Chloe: absolutely yes
Marcus and Lucas: yeah why not
Erika: okey meet y'all there
Jake: can I go
Erika: everyone or anyone can go there
Lauren: oh fun
Logan: oh why not
Tessa: we should get going to class
Social studies
Erika: I can't believe we all have the same class
Jake: i know
Alissa: ugh when are we going back to w&w Academy
Chloe: on monday
Alissa: but it Friday
Chloe: yeah but party at my house tomorrow duh
Logan: lit
Skip time when they are at the groove. They had so much fun and Jerika took a picture

I know it short but have been busy but don't worry next chapters will be longer and interesting

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I know it short but have been busy but don't worry next chapters will be longer and interesting. Read my new book called jerika kids. And this cover was design by jerika_shiz.

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