chapter eleven

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Jake: man i thought you had my back and you said that me and erika make a cute couple
Alex: well the one you let their brother kick me out of the car and if you like erika you would have stand up for her like i did with lauren
Jake: i can't because I really like Erika the witch
?-what did you say
Back to the story
Jake: umm logan what are you doing here
Logan: I came to give you a new stick for you to have and so you can practice your magic
Jake: okey thank you
Logan: and also Jake what wrong with you falling in love with Erika who to be clear she a witch
Jake: i know
Logan: then loose the crush on her
Jake: got it
Logan: okey see you later and bye to you to alex
Alex: dude why didn't you stand up
Jake: cause there are rules and he my brother he know what best for me
Alex: you are going to loose her man if you don't stand up for her
Jake: i won't I promise
Alex: let go inside

Erika Pov:
Me and kris were in my bed watching a movie
Jake: what going on
Kris: oh hey jake we were watching a movie
Alex: aww so cute
Jake: alex
Lauren: why are you getting mad Jake
Jake: I'm not*angry tone*
Kris: umm this is awkward
Erika: yeah
Kris: well I'm going to go to sleep so night beautiful
Erika: aww kris you are so kind*blushing* 😳
Jake: well good night to y'all losers
Next Day
The administor had a announ- cement
Administratior: today we have a game between w&w Academy vs superheroes Academy(i know it silly but i had nothing) so you will have the rest of the day off unless your a soccer player playing in the game and the game will start at 5 p.m. (they play soccer first then football)
Lauren pov:
That good that we have a day off
Erika: lauren i have a idea we should as the school color for in spirt
Lauren: omg that will be fun
Jake: omg girl it so cool*in a girl voice*
Kris: jake just leave them alone
Erika: come on let go let the other girls
Jake Pov:
Jake why are so dumb you just made fun of erika and made a fool of my self
Kris: jake what wrong with you
Alex: trust me that how he is
Jake: alex you should be on my side we are best friend
Alex: we still are but he does have a point
Kris: alex tell me do you think Erika like
Alex: umm i guess she does why
Jake: why kris
Kris: I'm planning on asking her to be my girlfriend today at the game
Alex; umm that great
Jake: you do know witches and wizard shouldn't be getting alone
Kris: i don't care when you love someone you fight for what you want and shouldnt care what people say
Alex: wow that was beautiful and jake you should that advise
Jake just went to his bed and thought is Kris right or should he play bye the rule
Erika Pov:
So me and lauren went to go the girls and ask if they wanted to be a cheerleader
Lauren: i think we should do cheerleader like you said once
Erika: okey
Lauren: now we will have a squad like the other team
Erika: wait so this is the only school which doesn't have cheerleader
Lauren: yeah
They got to the room
Chloe: erika great idea of forming a spirit club
Erika: well it a cheerleader thing now
Chloe: awesome I'm in
Lauren: okey how many do you need
Erika: let do 15
Chloe: i can ask some of my friend but does the administor know

Lauren: umm no
Erika: we should go ask
Chloe: yeah but don't worry i will get people
Erika: okey
Lauren: wait do we even have the out fit ready
Chloe: yeah
Erika: don't worry me and chloe use to make the out fit but i have one in mind
Lauren: okey red and black
Erika: yeah
Chloe: okey let go

Sorry guys it look long but i had other things to do and this isn't finish there more to this story hope you enjoy. What do you think will the administor say yes to Erika idea. Will jake do something to stop kris from asking erika. Will there be a friend ship. What will happen next comment below.
If i can get 8 comment i will post another one today.

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