Chapter 47 for good

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Three days went by, idina was back to wicked, better then ever. She was very grateful to Kristin who stood by her the whole time and got her the right meds.

One night after the show, the two were in their regular clothes, goofing around in idina's dressing room.

"Crazy girls." Jody, idina's dresser, smiled, slapping idina's a$s jokingly with her small towel.

Idina burst out laughing, with her bright smile and jaw dropped surprised. Kristin burst into a bunch of giggles. "Hey! That's my women's a$$ you're slapping!" She smirked,wrapping her arms around idina's waist, pressing their stomach's together. The blonde lay her head against idina's chest, smiling.

"Oh come on Jody, you know you're just as crazy as this one over here." She smirked.

"Hey!" Kristin's lifted her head to face her.

"Haha..." Idina joked, pulling her back against her. The brunette closed her eyes smelling the blonde's sweet hair.

Jody had reached out her phone and snapped some photos of the two.

"Awe." she snapped the pics. Idina and Kristin noticed and at once posed with sexy smirks. Kristin instantly wrapped a leg around idina's waist as they posed.

"Ooh! Fierce!." Her dresser laughed.

After she took the shots, the two burst into laughter. Idina pulling the blonde in her arms. "You're so tiny! And adorable."

"Ha! Dee." The blonde laughed.

"You could Probably pick her up." Jody joked.

"Here, come here for a sec." Idina pulled away from her. Kristin all giggled up, looked at her with curiosity. Kris wrapped her arms around the taller woman's neck. Idina threw her a trustworthy smile before wrapping an arm around the blonde's back and the other under her legs. "Ack!"

"Hold on!" Idina chuckled as she picked up kris bridal style.

"Oh that is a perfect pic!" Jody grinned snapping the picture.

"Hehe, we're getting MARRIED!" Idina being the silly goose tonight, spun kris around in her arms.

Idina smiled to the blonde, looking down at her in her arms. Kristin decided to play along, "Yes! Jody see this woman? she is the love of my life! And i am happy to say. We shall be married, OK everyone, that proves it, GELPHIE IS REAL GET THE SHIPPERS OUT." kristin laughed. Idina crackled, into continuous laughter. She was touched about what the blonde said and wondered if she meant those powerful words. They spun around a bit more while Jody and Craig clapped their hands together, giggling. "HORRAY!" Idina called out, grinning.

Idina gently leaned down to kiss her lips, until she heard Kristin's whisper; "Idina..." Idina raised her eye browns playfully and gently kissed her nose. She almost forgot her dresser and makeup artist was in the room. But honestly, she didn't think they would mind. They probably know.

Jody watched them and grinned to Craig. "Alright crazy ladies. I'm heading out." She smirked, grabbing her bags. Idina carefully put Kristin down. "Okay, thanks so much." Idina smiled. "Anytime! I'll send you those pictures alright?"

"Yeah! Sounds great!" The two giggled, Kristin straddling her hips, playfully. "Goodnight!"

- once the dresser left and shut the door, idina smirked at the blonde.

"Oh no! The wicked witch is capturing Glinda!" She joked, going at kris. The blonde played along and ran away, giggling. "Ohhh nooooo! dee!!!" She laughed, racing out the room. Craig laughed, "You two are high. Better go after her." He winked.

As the two raced down the halls, idina caught up with her. "This blonde is strong." She smirked, holding out her arms in front of her as a guard. Idina In a pounce like position, jumped at her. The blonde surprisingly jolted, idina went up to her, in a gentle way, She softly brushed noses.

Kristin smiled endlessly. "The blonde always wins."Idina quirked her eyebrow before picking up the blonde once again, whirling her around. Spinning her slowly in bridal style. The two fell into laughter. "You're so perfect."

"No you're perfect." Kristin pulled kindly at idina's face, as the two almost kissed but didn't. Idina liked teasing her. "So we're perfect together." She jokingly sang. "Born to be forever." Idina replied, with a grin. As she carried her back to the room, they couldn't take their eyes off of each other. Craig was just finishing up putting the makeup away when he watched the crazy two come twirling in.

She lay the blonde down on the couch and crawled on top of her, happily. Kristin's eyes filled with sweet lust. "Kiss me you wicked thing!" She commanded.

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