Chapter Three - Violins and Warnings

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I arrived at 221B Baker Street and I walked up to Sherlock's apartment. On the way up the stairs, I heard a beautiful violin melody being played. 'Sherlock must be thinking' I told myself.

I arrived at his door. I out my books and bag on the sofa and greeted Sherlock.

"Have you seen him?" Sherlock asked looking out the window.

"Seen who?" I turned round to see John arrive. He smiled at me and I returned the smile.

"Yes. Sherlock. Who have I meant to have seen?" I questioned.

"Moriarty." He said turning to face me.

"ERM, may I ask who that is?" I said,still feeling confused.

John took a seat at the desk and began updating his blog.

"Smart man, dresses in a suit; probably Westwood, has an Irish accent, his hair is always slicked back and he has brown eyes. Ring any bells?" He explained.

"Oh! Yes. He helped me earlier. Why do you ask?"

"Stay away from him." Sherlock said bluntly. "If he finds you, no matter what he says you do not satisfy his wishes."

"Sherlock I don't think I understand. I mean when I met him earlier he was really nice to me and-"  Sherlock cut me off.


I cut her off. "Charlotte you cannot and will not associate with that man in any way what so ever. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

She rolled her eyes, collected her books and bag and said "Whatever you say Mr. Holmes." She then left us.

"Why ate you so worried about him and her, Sherlock?" John asked still typing not looking away from his screen.

"He will use her. He said so himself. 'I should get myself a live-in one' He will use her for evil for his own good." I concluded.

John only nodded, I assumed he was too engrossed in his precious blog.

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