Chapter Thirty One - Trapped

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Three months later...


We had been in 11 countries so far.

France, Germany, Spain, Greece, Italy, Russia, Norway, Romania, Iran, Afghanistan, and Syria.

We went to Afghanistan for Sebastian's purposes. As he was an ex-officer he wanted to pay them a visit.

We were now in, Pakistan to see an old friend of mine. Irene Adler.

We sat outside a cafe waiting for her to arrive.


I read a magazine, tips on love and sex and everything was in this magazine. Guess who bought it for me? Yep, James. Is he trying to suggest something or?...

Anyway my eyes were quickly diverted when a tall sleek woman waltzed over to us and sat next to Sebastian and James, and she was opposite me.

"Its good to see you both." She said looking at at the two men. "And you are?" She asked a looking at me with a slight smile.

"I'm Charlotte. Charlotte Holmes."

Her eyes lit up when I told her my name. "Sherlock doesn't happen to be your brother, does he?"

"He is, I, yeah.."

She smiled wildly. "She's my little Kitten, Irene." James chuckled.

"Oh! Gotten to you already has he? Your such a pretty young lady." She smiled then started to discuss something with Sebastian and James. She was so nice. She was beautiful. She looked perfect.

I zoned out a little and looked across the road. It was a busy day. As a delivery van drove off I saw the same man who looked like Sherlock he was standing outside a shop window. I got up and walked across the road. Before I got to he other side a man on a bicycle almost rode into me. I stopped and stepped back. As I got to the pavement I looked for the man but he was gone. I swear my mind was playing tricks on me.

I turned to go back but I was pulled into alleyway. I pushed whoever it was off me and turned to run but they pushed me against the wall and held me there so I couldn't move.

I looked up and Magnussen was there smiling.

First I thought I'd dozed off and I was having another one of my nightmares. But it soon came to realization that I wasn't dreaming.

"Hello beautiful." He winked and brought his face closer to mine. "Finally got you to myself, eh?"

"What do want. James is back to being his consulting criminal. You got your own way. Get lost!" I said struggling for freedom.

"Shh, be quiet my flower."

"Fuck off." I spat.

He pushed me harder against the wall and said,"Your asking for it now you little bitch."

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