(2) Mood Swings

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After going downstairs I found that the company that was coming over for dinner was Magnom himself and his elder sister.

We were all seated at the dining table. Sinu at the head of the table, Camila on Sinu's right, Mag beside her, I was sitting on left of Sinu and Jenny beside me.

"So Lauren, which university you go to?" Jenny asked me.

"I go to McGill University" I said.

"Canada?" she asked and I nodded.

"And Camila is joining Lauren there, this fall" Sinu said.

"What?!" I said without thinking and all eyes were on me. I quickly started thinking how to cover my out burst. "I mean I am so excited that we can be together, I am so happy for you. Congrats Cabello, you made it."

"Well, I don't wanna go" Camila said and Sinu shook head in annoyance.

"We will discuss later about it." Sinu whispered to both of us.

"So what are your plans about future Magnom?" I asked to change the topic and to make sure that she is the right boy for Camila.

"Well, I also applied to McGill U but I have not received any letter yet, since Mila got it today in the morning, I hope I receive my too soon. And I was hop-"

I was zoned out because I was sensing something was going in the mind of Camila as Mag was speaking about this. But I was brought back to earth by my excitement radar from which I could sense that Sinu or Camila are going to do something. It was one of my 'human' ability that I was proud of. And was I wrong?

"I have a plan!" Sinu said.

"I knew it" I murmured. And both Camila and Sinu giggled as they know about my excitement radar leaving Mag and Jenny confused.

"Let's go on a holiday to Disneyland." Sensing Déjà vu, Camila and my eyes met for a second but then she broke the eye contact clearing her throat. "And Mag and Jenny are going with us."

I heard some claps of excitement in the room. But then I again put on the lid of little emotions coming back. And put on a plaster face of excitement.

"What-When?"Camila and I spoke at the same time. Oh god… this is repeating again. But I didn't let my fake face change and I saw that Camila also has a whole excited face.

"Well, this time you have a whole week to pack unlike last time. I still have to make reservations and all. Are you free for joining us next weekend, Mag and Jenny?"

"Of course Mrs. Jauregui! We would love to go with you and Lauren… and Camila ofcourse" Jenny said keeping her hand on my hand that rested on the table, Mag nodded in agreement eying Camila in seductive manner but Camila was shooting daggers with her eyes at Jenny. And Sinu noticed that but I was confused.

"I would love to spend time with you as well. But call me Sinu, no need to be formal." Sinu chuckled to lighten the situation.

After discussing further plans and making Mag nervous with my indirect threatening, we cleared the dining table, washed the dishes, Jenny and I went to my room and Camila and Maggie went to her room.

"So, your brother found his ways to Camila's pants." I said.

"Yeah, it's such a shame that I didn't find my way in the elder sister's pants." she said coming closer to me.

"It's been more than a year Jen, don't make me repeat myself" I said sternly as I knew where this conversation can go.

"OMG Laur, I am kidding. Why so serious?" she asked.

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