(14) Thirst

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It's been a week now. Camila and Lauren are totally rocking the plan. They continued to be just roommates. They rarely talked about their life back at home.

They spent most of the time with in their classes or with their invidviual friends. It was only in cafeteria they sat together along with Normani and Dinah or they spent time together at night's just sleeping in each other arms.

Yes, not something roommates do but Lauren litteraly begged Camila for some closeness after being close at the same place whole day yet so distant for complete 5 days. On 6th day she pleaded and Camila agreed as they rarely got time to talk as they were not alone in cafeteria and Lauren needed her sleep after a long day of studying and working on some future project for school that was planned for students. Litteraly Lauren worked like a member of prefectorial body of the institution. She was right when she said she had responsibilities.Thats why Camila agreed to find some kind of closeness. It was just innocent cuddling and in an instant they fell asleep in each others arm.

Camila beat Lauren today and woke up earlier. It was a Saturday. They both had no classes. Lauren would be busy for few ours but that's all.

Camila stretched her body to relax her muscles still not able to open her eyes properly. But when she did, her eyes were completely widened seeing the tent in the covers they were under. It was around Lauren's pelvis.

Suddenly Camila's throat went dry. She was thirsty. And only things she wanted to calm her thirst was Lauren's liquid.

The tent stated shifting and Camila realized she was giving an intense stare that Lauren can't see. But Lauren did anyways and shifted swiftly as she sat on the side of the bed with her back towards Camila.

"Sorry about that, you know the morning wood." Lauren said casually and shifting in the place where she was sitting trying to cope with the unconfertable tightness.

Clearing her thought Camila said. "Yeah, but it seems more like full on erection."

Lauren let out an embarrassing laugh, not wanting to answer.

But Camila blurted a question as it was difficult for her to just compose herself and not just rip of Lauren's boxers and suck her damn dick.

"Where is your submissive?"

Lauren tuned around a little to make eye contact with Camila, not believing what she said. "What?!"

Camila realized what she asked and tried to just ignore the situation by getting up and walking towards her own bed.

"Don't try to ignore it Camila. Submissive? How do you know?" Lauren got up from her bed and stood Camila by pulling her wrist to get attention.

"Umm, you know the day you accidentally lost control over your 'sex-desire' or 'sex-agression' and you almost rap-I mean forced yourself on me. I never forgived you from the inside till the day I knew why you acted like that. Why didn't you tell me Laur? I would have got a closure understanding why you did that." Camila said still taking glances at Lauren's tented boxers.

"Honestly, at that time I didn't know it myself. When I confronted father about it, he tol-"

"Wait! You told K. Mike that we were sexually involved?"

"Of course not Camila. I just said I forced a girl without her permission. It was very uncomfortable and I just spoke that one same statement. He just handed out me some old paper through which I came to know that people of Jaureg have a strange desire of sexual activities. It's like there energy drink or some food they can't live without. The texts didn't tell me much, it seemed like they were incomplete. It did tell me that I have to take care of desires time to time and there should be a person submissive or dominant that would help me. And as for the full on erection. May be it's because I was supposed to get those desires at this age but I got them early. That's why I didn't know what I was going on with me. Every child gets those texts at the age 18 so that they can prepare themsleves for 2 years. But my desires triggered because of something I still have to figure about at the age 17. But it still lefts the question how do you know?" Lauren was not looking at Camila when she confronted her but when Camila didn't answer Lauren looked upwards towards Camila.

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