(15) Beauty

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This is something I wrote long ago before I started concentrating on TKWNM. It's short but I am giving it cause of the recent stars this book is getting.

"You say it every time I give you one." Camila said giggling innocently.

Lauren didn't reply because she was still catching on her breath. But soon she passed on a comment that soon became a question in her mind.

"You say I am aggressive during sex. Look at you. You were sure demanding right now but you never did like you did now." Lauren said

"Don't make it a habit Jauregui." Camila said simply and made a move towards the bathroom to make herself clean as well.

"Where are you going?" Lauren asked forgetting her earlier thoughts.

"Please don't say you want a cuddle, we didn't have sex." Camila said with a playful annoyance. In reality she would never miss cuddling session with Lauren after their intimate moments.

"As much as I want to, can I—I mean-can I do you as well?"

"Don't take it farther that it has already gone Lauren. We already crossed a line. Actually more than that. We spent almost a full week like normal roommates. And now this. You needed help and I helped. I don't."

"Oh come on Camila. You are turned on I can smell in from here."

"But I don't need help!"

"It's not fair. You are being a hypocrite."

"Ugh fine, but on one condition."


"No teasing."

"You should have thought about that before doing it with me."

"I know it's your juice Laur. You need it to be all energetic. So don't act like you are doing it for me."

"What?! Who told—Let me guess, DINAH! These are Jaureg secrets which are not meant for humans."

Camila started thinking of something that would back up her statement as well as save innocent Dinah "Look, this part I figured it out myself way before now. I am smarter than I look. I mean look at you all tired since Wednesday. Once you eat it all out you can go without eating food and will be energized for a week."

Lauren let out a chuckle and said "A week? After eating you and without any food? I only last 4 days after that; that too with eating food."

"Oh really?" Camila husked in a low voice and moved her thumb along the waist band of her shorts. Then slowly she moved her hands a little downwards and cupped her clothed center, never once moving her eyes from Lauren, who was visibly having another erection.

"You will always remain a tease, wouldn't you?" Lauren hissed getting up from her bed, picked Camila up and shoved her on the bed but didn't hurt her.

Lauren eagerly got rid of Camila's shorts and underwear and sat on the floor. She pulled Camila legs so that Camila's center was in front of her face.

"Now listen to me princess, I won't tease you if you won't come until I say so. Okay?" Lauren said, giving a slight brush with her index finger against Camila's sex lips.

Camila shuddered and nodded vigorously. Just seeing Lauren's head near her vagina was driving her crazy. She couldn't take it anymore.

"Speak up" Lauren demanded giving another brush.


Lauren smiled and gave a long lick to over Camila's pussy, parting her lips and enjoying the delicious taste of her. She was already dripping wet but Lauren needed more. It tasted different from other girls she has been with till now. A very good different. Addictive different. The cum of any girl before like a want Lauren always wanted. But Camila's cum was more like a craving. Like a need, she can't live without now.

She was surprised, with the things she was feeling. It was all new. Lauren pulled back and looked at Camila who was offering her vulnerability to Lauren.

Camila opened her eyes and was confused but also a little frustrated with loss of contact. Her far softened when she saw Lauren looking at her with nothing but love in those green eyes.

"You are beautiful." Lauren whispered like if she spoke even a little louder she will hurt Camila. The earlier aggressiveness was all forgotten and Lauren didn't even notice the tear that just dropped from her right eye. Camila smiled and blushed at Lauren's compliment.

"I knew this wouldn't be a good idea. K. Mike is gonna be so angry at me." Camila said and covered her face with her hands.

"What do you mean?" Lauren tilted her head in confusion.

"Do you want to finish?" Camila gestured downwards.

"Okay-yeah sure" Lauren was going to go down on her but Camila stopped her.

"Okay goofball, you can come cuddle with me." Camila said laughing a little at Lauren's adorable face that she was showing now compared to the dominanting one few minutes ago.

Lauren was again confused and asked "How did you know that I wanted to cuddle?"

"Come here, just lay in my arms for a moment. May be you will find your answers" Camila opened her arms, welcoming Lauren to come.

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