(9) Emotions

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The game went on with some shocking truths and funny dares till all the slips were finished. Camila was sitting with all of her face coloured with pen. Mag ended up in some yoga position. I was topless with only my bra on. But Jenny didn't see any need of ignoring the question and ended up just the way she was. After they left I jumped on the bed like earlier because of tiredness and 2 glasses of wine. I heard the water which was running in the bathroom stooped and foot steps coming towards me.

"That was fun right?" Camila said.

"Ya. Mag is fun to be around than I thought he would be." I said still not moving from my place.

"But if you two broke up? Then I still don't understand why you are so comfortable with him? And does Sinu know? If yes, then wh-" I was interrupted by something soft press against my lower back. Oh shit! I was still top less.

I shot back up and looked at Camila, who's eyes were dilated much more than I have seen before.


"Shut up" Camila hissed taking steps towards me while I took steps backwards till the time I hit the wall of the room.

She came near me and brought her face closer to mine. I felt her nose brushing past my neck giving sensation that I mossed. It was followed by a long trail of her tongue from my collar bone to my ear lobe. She took it in her teeth and slightly pulled it.

I moaned because of pleasure and electricity in my body. "Camila"

"Shut up Juaregui! You will not speak a word tonight. " she whispered yelled

I didn't respond because I was still recovering from what she did earlier.

She planted few kissed on my jaw line while her hands were roaming around my torso and without any warning she palmed my left breast and squeezed it roughly. It felt so good but this can't happen right now. I moaned her name when she squeezed my breast again.

"Didn't you understand once? Let me touch you tonight Jauregui."

Her hands moved downwards over my erect penis. "Camila, please no" and removing her hand she took my lips in her and started grinding on me.

"Let me feel it what I craved for so long" she said between the kisses

This has to stop or it will end badly.

I pushed her off the ground and she quickly strangled my waist. I took her to the bed and laid her down with her hands above her head.

"You wanna fuck right now? Huh?! You wanna fuck? I would have fuck the shit out of you right now if I wanted to." I asked raising my voice.

"I was waiting for you. I missed aggressive sexual side of you. I have to admit, you really have gained how to be adaptive to different emotions as well as only one emotion at the same time. Exposure of our planet worked for you. Now will you let go off my hands I wanna touch you."

"Damn! You really just wanna fuck. Right? I think I will give what you want. I will give you your good fuck and you will stop confusing me! Stop fucking playing with my emotions. I never did that to you. I made things cleared between us passed two years. I just never shared my thoughts. You ignore me, you ask for space, you promise to explain, and at the end not caring at all, you just want a good fuck. Earlier I was feeling angry because of the situation and now you have made it worse."

She managed to let go one of her hand and took it to wipe off my cheek. I realized that I was crying. I quickly stood up and turned my back towards her not wanting to show vulnerability at this point. Few seconds later a pair of arms snaked through my waist and I felt her kissing my back.

"You really don't understand me. It's ok for now. Right now I just wanted to take out there parts of emotions about the situation from you. You need to feel every thing about it. You were angry, frustrated, doubtful, sad and it will not go away if you bury them with happiness. You have to figure within yourself before finding answers from others. Just come back when you sought it out." she finished with the kiss again and pulled back walking towards her bed.

"You know it really hurt when you said all I wanted was a good fuck but it's my fault that I made you think that you doubts were true."

I quickly turned around and kissed her with whatever I felt about her.

I pulled away and stared into her eyes. I took my hand to push a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Camz, I-"

"No no, don't Camz me right now. Though I admit it really feels good to hear it again but think about what I said. Feel everything. Okay?" she said taking a step backwards

I nodded and pulled her into a hug.

"Can we cuddle?" I asked with hope.

"How else am I suppose to sleep?" she said laughing a little as she switched off the lights and pulled me with herself on the bed.

I laid my head on her chest and listened to her heart beat. "I am sorry. For doubting."

"It's ok. That is why you need to figure out here and here." she said tapping over my left side of chest and my temple. "Just when you figure out we will talk"

"Good night Camila" I said kissing on her chest, at her heart.

"Good night Laur" she said kissing my at the crown of my head.

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