(5) Inquiry

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Lauren pov

I woke up with a smile on my face which I am sure was plastered on my face all night. I quickly took a bath, brushed my teeth and went downstairs.

"Good morning" I said while entering the kitchen.

"Good morning love" Sinu said kissing me on the forehead. "Why so glittery this early morning"

"What are you saying? It's 9am" I said taking the seat beside the island.

"9am on a holiday, sweet heart. It's too early for you." she said serving me a pancake.

"Thank you. And I am too excited for Disneyland so I planned that may be all of us can go to shopping and I would also tag Mag and Jen with us."

"It's so good to see you like this. Well, I won't be able to join because of the hospital shifts but all 4 of you should enjoy." she said serving me one more pancake.

"We would miss you" I said.

"And also it's my cue to go." she said looking at her watch. "please, will you serve Camila some hot pancakes for me. I don't want her to miss healthy breakfast"

"Of course she is still a stubborn lady about cooking." I said trying to sound annoyed but Sinu knew I loved cooking.

We said our goodbyes and I started texting Jenny to go out for shopping.

To Jenny: Come over in an hour. We are going out for shopping.

From Jenny: What are you doing up this early? WAIT! Whoever this is, stop playing with Lauren's phone. This is not funny.

I rolled my eyes before texting her back.

To Jenny: Jen, it's me. Now stop being pain in the ass and tag along before I change my mind.

From Jenny: Ok, its you but how is it possible? BE THERE IN 60

To Jenny: Plus, all four of us are going. So, ask Maggie to tag along.

From Jenny: Aaye aaye captain.

I made some pancakes and took them to Camila's room.

"Camila wake up" I said keeping the tray on the night stand.

"Go away!" she wined before burying her face more into the pillow.

I wanted to stay their and admire each and everything that is beautiful about her but I don't wanna waste my time. 'Lauren, stick to your plan on finding the answer to her question or making the question invalid by feeling jealous.' I thought

I took a seat on the side of her bed. Resting my back on the bed headboard.

I took the strand of hair on her face and pushed it behind her ear gently. "Wake up Camila" I whispered.

"Hmmm" She dragged herself towards me before wrapping her arms around my stomach and resting her head on my chest.

I couldn't help but kiss her head. When I did, she tightened her grip on me and brought her lips near my neck and started giving little pecks on it.

I wouldn't waste a chance to get closer to her. So, I threw my head backwards to give her a little more space and when I did the pecks turned into wet kisses on my neck making their way to my lips. She again strangled me by sitting on my lap like last night and kissed me passionatly without opening her eyes for once. But soon as I think she came into her senses, she quickly jumped of her bed.

"I told you to not kiss me." she kinda yelled.

"What else am I suppose to do when you cuddle like that. You started kissing me." I said.

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