(13) First Day

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Lauren tried to follow Camila but kept loosing her because of the crowd around cafeteria as it was the last dinner hour. Finally she caught a hold of Camila's sight when the petite girl went into the washroom.

Lauren took a few deep breaths and thought for few minutes before entering the washrooms. Angry Camila was something that was rare to see. She also knew that it could be really difficult for her to handle Camila in this state.

But when she entered the washroom she heard loud sobs. She jogged to the person who was sobbing and wrapped her arms around her.

"I am so sorry-so-sorry." Camila buried her face in Lauren's neck and kept reacting the same words. Lauren was confused that for what Camila was apologizing for but instead of asking she tried her best to calm the girl in her arms which worked. After 5 minutes Camila breathing was back to normal and she managed to free herself from Lauren's hold.

"Are you okay?" Lauren asked pushing back hair that were in front of Camila's face.

"I am sorry" Camila said. Her eyes were lingered on the floor

"What are apologizing for. There is nothing to apologize for."

"I am selfish."

"No, you are not."

"Yes, in this case I am. I knew it. I fucking knew that, the change that came in you was from this place. This place brought back the you lost for yourself. This placed helped but one of the main factor that helped also involved that this place took you away from everything, took you awake from me so that you could focus on yourself. I knew that if I come here, it won't be same for you. But then I was selfish. Again a stupid mistake and you end up hurting. I should have never accepted to come. But I can't be away from you again. Our problems will always be there. Like its only been few hours that I came here and see now you are roaming around following me. I was stupid. I am sorry."

"Camila. Camila, look at me." Lauren tried to make eye contact by pushing Camila's chin upwards gently. She spoke again softly when their eyes met. "It was my decision. You are here because of me. Remember? It was my choice. And even if it wasn't me, it was not stupid of you to wish to be near me. How could have thought that I would manage to live happily knowing that you are away from in a unknown environment. It was bound to happen where we are now. I can live far from you either."

"You are partialy saying that because you didn't wanted me to be with people that are unknown to you. Not because you don't think it would ruin your life again."

"Hey! You can't ever ruin my life. You are that thing in my life that keeps me motivated. You are right. This place helped me to work on me. And the space from everything also helped. But the thing that kept me motivated to work on myself was you and only you."


"Let's start over. Let's start forgetting our past. We can't ignore it, I know but for now lats just forget it. I have a little different life here. Let's play along with it. What do you say?" Lauren said enthusiastically

"What do you mean" Camila lips tuned up a little watching Lauren's twinkling eyes.

"Let's roll with the life I love here. You just have to act like my new roommate. We won't talk about the things that are connected to us from our past. Let's just live life like all other teenagers in the university. It's perfect. What do you say?"

"You are crazy." Camila giggled.

"I am crazy for you, baby." Lauren said but soon regreted when she saw Camila's left eye brow arched up. "I mean-you know-may be-"

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