(12) Ground Rules

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It's been 2 weeks since the Disney land trip. Now here is she sitting in her dorm room, waiting for her new roommate.

Lauren went to Jaureg for her training soon after the trip ended. She had no time to visit Sinu's home before coming back to the university. She is staring at the clock and waiting for a knock by the person that is on her mind every single second.

There are many things in her mind right now which were all related to Camila. This is a new beginning in both of their lives. Should they just act normal when they are surrounded by people in the university? Should they just act like roommates? Should that have ground rules? Should they tell people that their parents are married?

Her thoughts were intrepted by a knock on the door. She smiled and quickly reached out for the door. It wasn't who she wanted it to be but the person's mother.

"Sinu! Hi, what are you doing here?" Lauren asked her taking her into a quick hug.

"It's Camila's first day. How can you forget I did same with you. But you were did good when I told you that I would drop you off on your first day. She is taking a lot worse." Sinu said giggling.

"Speaking of her where is she?" Lauren asked

"Right here!" Camila was holding a carton and set it beside other boxes. "now help me, would you?"

All three women started organizing Camila's stuff that took 2 hours all together. Alfter all the hard work both mother and daughter sat on the bed with a 'huff' sound expressing their tiredness.

"All done ladies." Lauren said who was not tired at all.

"Well, it's then time for me to leave." Sinu said standing up.

Sinu said goodbyes to both of us and soon went out. Lauren waved her hand one last time towards Sinu before closing the door and turning around.

The movement she turned she was caught in a hug that can relaxes her body everytime.

"I missed you so much." Camila said above a whisper.

Lauren pulled her closer to the extent it was possible with a tight grip.

"I missed you too." Lauren said sighing in comfort.

They enjoyed each others touch and presence before they were intrepted by another knock on the door.

"We're you expecting someone?" Camila asked taking a step away from Lauren.

"No." Lauren said unlocking the door to open it.

"Thank god you are here. Ally is all PDA with Troy and I thought you were bailing on me by not coming on the day we decided to be here together." The women game Lauren a hug. "You bailed on me anyway, we were supposed to meet in my room 30 minutes ago. What are you up to anyway that you didn't have time for me?"

"Oh I was helping her move in." Lauren stepped aside so that the girl could see Camila standing in the middle of the room.

The women brushed pass Lauren towards Camila.

"Hi, I am Normani." she said extending her hand to greet Camila.

She shook her hand by greeting back. "And I am Camila."

"Do you wanna join me and Lauren for dinner? We were supposed to go but it would good that you join us." Normani said.

"No. Go ahead you too. I don't wanna mess up your further plans. Thank you for asking." Camila said.

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