(4) Welcome To The Family

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Lauren's pov

I was standing in front of her door feeling a lot more than just one emotion. Dumb-folded? Excited? Happy? Angry? Horny? Confused? I don't know what more.

When I finally wanted to open up to her about my feelings she shut me down with a god damn riddle. What does she think of me. I am not a kid that would want a gift to solve a non sense riddle.

But then too. Why? Why don't I feel jealous? I don't know why. May be I should invite Mag along with Jenny to go for shopping so that may be I could get to know her and I could feel jealous when she is with Camila. May be its the worst idea but that way I don't have to invest my brain in the stupid question.

I started smiling thinking about the kiss and went to my room to lie on my bed.

I am too god damn happy about the kiss. We shared it and I wasn't feeling suffocated when I kissed her.

Oh my god! I didn't got suffocated. It means I am no harm to her now. That proves I finally accepted myself.

I internally danced in my head to celebrate to the good news.

Who knew that I was so happy about a simple kiss with a girl who met me years before, as my 'soon to be step sister'.

I walked up to my closet. Opened my secret cabinet on the floor and brought my 2017 diary to my desk. It's been 4 years and it's time to refresh some memories.

12 may 2017

It was a beautiful today when I woke up. I was happy that my dad was finally coming home and also will introduce me to the women he was in love with though I don't think those mortals know about our life yet. It was completely new to me when he first time talking about her. It was good to see that he is finding love again. After my mother died giving birth to me... OK diary you must be getting bored to listen my grief about it.

OK I will listen to you and try not to repeat it.

Anyways I don't know much about her except her name, Sinuhe. Whatever it is, I will truly support him as always.

"Your Majesty" some one said knocking the door.

"I am already up!" I said getting up from my bed.

"My princess, I am also here to remind you about your match today with Prince Louis."

"Thank you and be ready to serve hot breakfast." I said entering the bathroom.

Today was the face off with Louis. Today it will be declared that I am the queen at archery. No ones better than me.

After the quick shower, I went for break fast and ate alone at the grand table.

"Your highness?" Richard asked for my attention.


"Are you planning to go to the arena of your face off before it begins?"

"Yes Richard. I am"

"Your highness, I wanted to remind you that the arena chosen by Prince Louis is near the dimensional gate. Aslo our King is coming back to Jaureg today. It would also be better to remember the existence of both sides of the gate. There is great possibility that the arrows are passed through the gate and could harm the someone on the other side."

"Thank the spirits you reminded me. Richard, please keep Simon ready for the ride. I will have to inspect the other side of the gate too. And send the message to my friends to meet me straight at the arena."

"Your highness"

As soon as Richard went I went to my room for wear the full clothing for the face off and went towards the stables where my horse, Simon was.

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