(6) Too much to take in

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Camila's pov

When Jenny and Mag left, so did we. It was a silent car drive only songs on the radio were on. Until I lowered the volume.

"So... How many girls have ridden this car back at your university." I asked keeping a straight face.

"Well... I don't know. I didn't keep a count." she said with a straight face too.

"Has it been that many?" I said turning my face to her.

She took a glance towards me before focusing on the road. "Are you jealous?" she smirked

"I can't be jealous. I am just curious. If you can't feel jealousy because of me, how can I feel it towards you?" I said matter of factly.

"Ohh yeah but how... You know till date your vow to me, confuses me. I mean you vowed something for me, that I can't even understand. Why couldn't you just vow like me. 'I will protect her' Just 4 words. Was something like that difficult to speak?"

"Mom and K. Mike understood my vow. It was something different, they were proud of me." I said giggling.

"You still call him K. Mike?" my short form for King Mike.

"And you still call him 'father'? It sounds like you are old and he his older." I said smiling. No matter what at the end I am always happy with her. She made me happy just by showing her existence. Does she feel the same? We need to have that talk. But not now. It has to wait.

"Well I have no choice. Anyways, how did you get the idea for that vow? You know I remember each and every word you said that day to me."

"Oh really? If you can recall the vow. I will tell you the story behind it." I challenged

Before she started saying, she asked for my hand. I willingly took a hold off it. And she rested hers in my lap.

"Lauren Michael Jauregui Morgado I, Karla Camila Cabello Estrbao vow that I will be faithful to you. I will always be committed to you. Not in one kind of commitment but of every kind. Everything you choose to do for me I promise to do for you as well. Not as a responsiblity commitment that you have to take in front of a ceremony but a choice of commitment that you take within yourself. The things you naturaly opt to do with me or for me, I will reciprocate them to you too." she finished at exact same time we reached home.

"Wow. I think you deserve a kiss for that." I said playfully as we hoped out of the car.

"Oh really? Not that I am complaining." she said as we reached inside of the house bumping my sholder.

I took her hand and stopped her from going ahead. "I am sorry Laur, Mag thought that he could disrespect you just because I said some things about you."

She took my another hand in hers and gave a smile that took my breath away "It's Ok Camila. I know you get frustrated sometimes, especially how I behaved. But as you have acknowledged, I have changed for good. But I didn't think that it was because of you. He was giving me looks like he knows something for than he should about me today. Anyways, no offense but I think partially he is a douche. And I mean partially because I think you are happy with him. At least when you are not around me." I giggled a little.

"Enough talk about others. It's our time now. Do you wanna order pizza?" I said making my move to the living room.

"Yeah, anything but Hawaiian." She said.

I whined but agreed because she offered to bring all shopping bags from the inside when I order pizza.

I finished ordering and was on my phone checking tumblr for 15 minutes when I felt someone standing behind me. I turned around, scared a little.

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