(7) Tables Have Turned

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Lauren's pov

It's the day we go to Disneyland. I am sitting on my bed just thinking. Already packed all of my stuff. Waiting for Sinu to call me when we are ready to go.

It's been a week. It's been a week when I couldn't control myself with Camila. It's been a week since Camila has said a single word to me.

I tried to reach her so that I can set boundaries if she regrets it. I can't ignore her. Not now. After so much hard work I have done to reached a level to love myself, so that I could feel free to have feelings for others. For her. But if she doesn't want that with me,  I can surely compromise. I would at least want that we will end as good friends. But she keeps on ignoring me. She keeps herself busy with either Mag or Dinah.

At a point I was so frustrated that I thought of using my supremacy over Dinah against Camila. And thank the gods I didn't. If she is hurt now it would have hurt her more.

"Girls. Everything is ready." Sinu shouted from downstairs.

I picked my bag up, which was quite heavy but I can manage easily. My full concentration was on the bag when I carried it out of me room but it soon fell down because somebody collided with me.

"I am so sorry." Camila said picking herself up on the ground as I did too.

"It's ok" I said picking up her bag, which was heavier than me, to give it to her.

In the transfer of bag our hands touched. And those electric sensations went through my whole body and I am sure I heard a sigh. Like the affectionate one. From her.

"Camila" I said just above a whisper to try to talk to her.

She hurriedly adjusted her bag and started moving. With sure difficultly.

"Camila let me take your bag. When else will my streangh come in handy for mortals. Right?" I said trying to lighten the situation. Hoping that we could continue our friendship atleast, forgetting what happened.

She didn't say a word just dropped her bag down where she was and came towards me. I was expecting that she would say something or do something to me but instead she picked up my bag and went downstairs.

She really doesn't want to talk to me.

After few seconds, when I started walking towards the stairs, I heard a loud 'thug' sound. I ran towards the stairs and saw Camila standing in the middle of the stairs and their was no bag in her hands.

"Mija? I hope you didn't destroy something in there." Sinu said standing at the end of the stairs and my bag was infront of her feet on the floor.

"No worries. Nothing was fragile in it." I said stepping downstairs.

Sinu tried to pick it up. "Oh my god! How much have you packed?"

"This isn't hers Sinu it's mine. Hers is heavier than that." I said.

"Thank god Camila, you didn't try to carry that thing downstairs. It would have surely ended up with a fracture because you would have tripped with the bag." Sinu said.

"That's not possible Sinu when I am present. Will always protect her." I said smiling and passing Camila on the stairs."No matter what."

In a swift movement I was turned around and Camila hugged me burring her face in my chest. If I hadn't gripped the railing we both would have tripped down because of the heavy bag.

I was confused and made eye contact with Sinu. Who mouthed 'cut the tension' and went in the kitchen.

I didn't know what to do until I heard a whimper and wetness on my shirt. She was crying. I left the bag of the stair.

"Shushh... Camila. Don't cry. What happened?" I said massaging her back. But she didn't say anything. "What happened Camila? Talk to me. Please?"

She took my hand and without facing me she pulled me with her towards my bedroom and next I know the door is closed and I am pressed with my back on the door. Camila's both arms are on my either side.

She looked straight into my eyes which were full of water. She slowly brought her face near me and gave my lips a slow peck. She pulled back but my eyes were still close. I thought like it was a dream and if I open my eyes she will not be their.

I felt her hand on my cheek. I opened my eyes hoping it was real. And it was. She was still there. She again came near my face and started kissing me slowly with those swollen lips. Then she pulled away and rested our foreheads together.

"I am sorry." she said above a whisper I could still see tears dropping from her eyes.

"Its ok Camila. There was nothing fragile in that bag." I said smiling to lighten the situation and wiped the tears from her eyes.

She let out a small laugh and hugged me for a moment and then pulled me towards the bed to sit down.

"I am sorry for ignoring you." she said facing me but her eyes were on our connected hands. "I was… so much confused and… angry. And I confess that I still am but it is better that before. I just needed time to process. But I shouldn't have just ignored you like that. I am sorry for that. It's slot to handle after all these years. I think this is what I wanted for so long and I should be happy that you finally are ready to be with me but I can't. The anger is still over powering and I need to figure it out. I still need time."

"Ok" I said. And she made eye contact with me.


"Ok. I am ready give you time, Camila. I understand. What I felt this past week was horrible. But I guess you felt the same when I ignored you last two years. I don't know how you took it Camila. But I know that I can't. I will try hard enough but please... Please Camila don't take me for granted. I don't know how are you still here trying to even think about things with me. And please don't ignore me. We can still be friends with no intimacy at all."

"I never took you for granted Lauren and I never will. Because I know it's cost. Thank you for understanding me." She said.

She pulled me into a hug and I quickly relaxed into the hug.

"I thought you agreed with no intimacy." I said gripping her tighter like it was my last.

She pulled away and hit me on the shoulder playfully.

"Your wish my order, Princess." she said.

"Why do you keep calling me that? Can you please not?" I said getting up from the bad.

"You don't ever say that to Dinah then why me? And sorry I will call you whatever I want to." she said getting up too and walking towards the door.

"You know she doesn't has a choice but you have." I said.

"Sorry, princess." she said walking out of the door.

I stood their smiling like a idiot and soon following her.

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