(11) Steps

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From this chapter it would be narrator's point of view

To Jenny: How much damn more time?!

From Jenny: Just 5 mins more.

To Jenny: You said the same 10 minutes ago.

From Jenny:  I didn't know that the females of your family are obsessed with last minute shopping.

To Jenny: Whatever. Hurry up.

Lauren looked up from her phone when she felt presence of someone standing beside her.

"Beautiful day, isn't it." Mag said looking towards the sea.

Right now we were at the beach. Lauren decided that it it would be a good idea to spend some time at the beach before heading back home. She actually wanted a place where the four adults could be alone to discuss Lauren's situation.

"Yeah it is" Lauren replied looking in the same direction.

"Hey now that we are alone, I wanted to say sorry." Mag said sitting beside me.

"For what?" Lauren furrowed

"For the what I said in that coffee shop in the mall. I actually was a little annoyed that you were giving me hard time and I always ended up embarrassed. Then on the other day I met Ashley and she told me about your secret."


"Don't worry, I am not going to tell it to anyone. At first I thought I could use that secret against you so that you don't embarrass or threaten me. Like a false threatening from me. I was never gonna use it against you like for real. It was only fake-"

"What did Ashley told you?" Lauren was terrified that now someone so close to Camila know a secret that she doesn't want to share with her again.

"Umm…that you have a dick."

"What else?" Lauren didn't care about that.

"Just that. I am sorry about how I reacted but you were so good to me this weekend and I really enjoyed it."

"It's ok. And I know that you two are no longer together."


"Yeah. Camila told me." when Lauren saw that Camila and Jenny are coming towards them, an idea popped up in her mind. "Hey Mag, can you do me a favor?"


"Can you tell my secret to Camila and Jen. I can't do it myself. Please, whenever I try I am not able to speak but I want to disclose it. I am scared a little that won't support me."

"But that not my place to-"

"Please. Please. Please. They are coming. They close. You have to do this." Lauren spoke above a whisper.

"Hey guys, what a beautiful view." Camila greeted admiring a view.

Lauren put a straight pace and eyed up Mag. Telling him to do what she told.

"Hey! Can you two sit down. I want to tell you something." Mag spoke hesitantly

"But I thought it was about Lauren and her strange need for upsetting someone." Jenny said facing Mag and do did Camila.

"Ok... Now I wanna tell you something about Lauren because she can't but you have to promise that you will try to understand." Mag said using a lot of arm movements.

Lauren was trying so hard to maintain a straight face but was failing. It was good that Mag couldn't see her face because now she turned her back towards all 3.

"First tell then we will see." Jen said crossing her arms.

"Camila, for Lauren you are very important so please you have to understand." Mag said and Camila nodded.

"Lauren…. has a dick. And before you react please think of Lauren." Mag said with so much concern.

But that did ended how he thought it would. He didn't think that the two girls in front of him would end up laughing so much that they have to palm their stomach because it ended up hurting.

"Guys I am not joking!" Mag yelled.

"Oh brother, we know you aren't" Jenny said between her laughs.

Mag was confused until he saw that Lauren was laughing harder than the other two girls if it was even possible.

"You bitch!" Mag stood up and jumped on Lauren who still was laughing so hard.

"I was damn wreck nervous for no reason. How did they already know?" he asked me sitting up again.

"Idiot! I was not able to breathe for a second. If you would have used some of your brain you would have figured this out. Camila knows  suck small unimportant thing about me because obvious reasons. How would it be possible that she doesn't know about my dick?"

"Fuck you! I was so damn nervous but what about Jen?"

"Well Lauren over here freaked out when she found out that I knew. Sometimes I regret that day. But how can't you see and don't acknowledge that big?" Jenny said pointing towards Lauren's pelvis.

"You have seen it?" Mag said shocked.

"Of course not!" Lauren defended herself

"No I didn't get the pleasure. I saw it when she had a hard on. I still wonder why at your own house when you were siting alone in your room?"

Before Lauren could think of something to get rid of the question her father yelled from far away.

"In 30 minutes we will start our way back to home. And where is Camila?" He yelled

All of the three looked around for Camila until Lauren caught the brunette standing near the ocean admiring the sunset. They didn't even realize when the brunette walked away.

"Can please help my parents check-out of the hotel. I will meet you there." Lauren asked. They agreed and went towards Mike.

Lauren went towards Camila slowly and covered the brunette's eyes from behind. She waited standing over their for some reactions but found none. She was confused and came infront of Camila.

"What? Can any stranger come and blind you without your reaction?"

"I know it was you Laur." Camila said smiling.

"Then also you needed to react don't you think?"

"I was enjoying your touch. I can't tell you to hold my hand or palm my cheeks when I asked you to maintain distance. But I can't resist what I crave, can I?"

"I can relate. But I think a simple touch is not harmful." Lauren said keeping her hand on upper portion of Camila's arms.

"Thanks for letting me come with you to McGill University."

"I did nothing. You achieved it. I was just standing in between and I never would let you not have what you deserve." Lauren said shifting beside Camila to face the sea.

"So, I guess our main purpose of coming to the beach is not fulfilled…again."

"Shit! I sent those two back so that I could tell you that we are back to the road in 30 minutes but now… ugh I need to figure out everything fucking soon." Lauren said frustrated.

Camila laughed a little at the sight of frustrated Lauren but gave her a hug, to help her ease up for few minutes.

"We will figure it out, okay? But first let's head back to others."


"You know what? You can share your problem with me. Just like old times. Sit with me in the car and I will listen to you."

"Would you do that for me?"

"Why not? I mean we are past the ignorance era right?"

"Yeah. I am still sorry for that and I prom-"

"Lauren, let's take a step at a time okay?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

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