(3) Shut It Down

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Camila's pov

She is such a pain in the ass sometimes. But now,  the blame won't be on me. It depends upon her answer in which situation we end up in.

It's been a while since I have been staring at the photo of Lauren and I when we last visited Disneyland that is placed on my nightstand. I was distracted because I heard cracking sound of the door opening, and I was not in the mood for my mom telling me that if Lauren says no then also I have to go to McGill University.

But when my blanket was lifted up and someone layed behind me, I knew who it was. Well it's been a while but I am not complaining. After few seconds an arm snaked it's way to my waist spooning me from behind. I relaxed more into her arms.

"Was it just me or the conversation about Disneyland was a proper example of déjà vu?" I said calmly closing my eyes.

"Yes it was. Till date I remember each every second of that trip." Lauren said.

"Me too" I moved myself in her arms and pushing her gently so she can lay on her back. I then burried my nose in her neck meeting my familiar favourite smell of her.

She slid her arm under me and held me tightly towards her. I moaned softly at the contact that I missed so much. This used to be a regular thing when one of us would feel low. She used snuggle with me and either we ended up thinking individually for hours or I talked about anything and she listened. May be that's why she knows about how I feel about everything including her but I have only few verbal expressions from her regarding me that can be counted on one hand.

We lied like that for two hours in comfortable silence and it was around midnight.

"You know it's been 8 months and 19 days since you last cuddled with me. Actually, it was also the last time we touched." I said.

"And also 5 hours, I know." she said. "I am sorry about that, I needed to figure out things."

"I know Laur, but I can't forgive you. You could have said something... Ugh... We will discuss it later. Please change the topic." I said as I didn't wanted to express how much she effected me.

"Why Camila? How am I suppose to tell your mother that we can't be at the same place let alone for minimum 4 years. I mean if I say yes, then it's against you and if I say no, it's against her." she said changing to another worst topic but I have to answer this one.

"Laur, it's up to you, this time I don't wanna be the one who is blamed, not even 1%, if things went wrong. Though I always wanted to McGill, damn, it was my dream to go over there but I understand that it is not possible. The reason you went there was to start in a new and different environment leaving everything from here behind you. I don't want to change that because I see how much happier you are. God, you didn't even needed to snuggle with me in these 8 months. Can you believe, 8 fucking months, out of which you were home for 6 weeks for different reasons. Think, you just completed your first year. See the change in you when you passed your senior year and now. I thought I forgot how your simple touches felt like but that's ok, we should be happy. You should be happy." I said just above a whisper against her neck.

She sat up making me sit up with her. When I faced her I saw her smirking but it vanished when we made eye contact. And soon after few minutes of staring competition I felt her lips against my cheek and they lingered there for a exact 5 seconds but that enough for me to be falling from the edge because of Lauren's kiss on my damn cheek. That was not right.

I quickly stood up from my bed with my back toward it. I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding.

"Lauren you can not do that!" I tuned around while speaking. "It's been 9 months since you kissed me last and now-"

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