(10) Upsetting

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I woke up in an empty bed but I was not upset about it. Instead I had a smile on my face because of her.

Out of all people she always is able to understand me. I kind of feel frustrated too because I am not able to understand things about her nor does she lets me to understand.

She is right, I have to sought out myself too, which she is doing as well.

I got up from the bed and went to enjoy the view from the balcony. Fresh air that I could feel on my face extended my smile wider and I unconsciously stared humming a song.

"Someone's in a good mood today." I jumped at the unexpected presence of someone.

"Sake of lords! Father you scared me." I said keeping my hands on my chest.

"How much time has passed since you last went for training in Jaureg? You are forgetting your lessons." he joined me to watch the view.

"I am going after this vacation to cope up what I missed last year.  After I do that, I will continue my training on regular basis as soon as nest semester starts this fall. I was not able to go because I had to focus on the first year in university but now it's all good." I said and he nodded.

"So, what's all with extra good mood."

"Ohh... That I.. One of the vows was bugging me but recently I have figured it out." I said telling half truth.

"Ohh. That's a pretty bad one. You know I vowed to someone that I won't be selfish to that person and it bugged me in so many ways. But then one day I was able to do what I wanted towards that person inspite of knowing that we both would get in trouble for breaking rules. Eventually we figured that, vow was already broken because we were no longer in the relationship we vowed for. It's good that you figured it out without breaking it." he said.

"Who was it?" I asked out of curiosity.

"It was Uncle Bridge. We used to be best friends but time passed and by heart we became brothers. My Princess, always remember that the relations are not maintained because of common blood we share in the family but because of the emotions we feel in our heart. And if you are not in a relation with someone you want in your life, you have to accept that it was not meant to be or life as something else planned for you." he said facing me and I nodded taking in words he said.

"Now come on, we are already late for breakfast." he said kissing my forehead and going towards the door. And then certain realization hit me.

"Your majesty!" he turned around arching his eye brow. "by what you just said...  Am I still connected to Sinu in a relationship as mother and daughter? I mean after you broke things in Jaureg... It's not like I want to break things with her. I was just curious. Though I don't feel anything different with her. And I-"

"Lauren you really need to go back and revise your lesson at Jaureg. I understand what you are trying to say. If you don't feel anything thing different that means two things. Firstly, you are both still on the same page or the vow was broken long ago but you never realized it. Sometimes the vows become the part of our sub conscious and we still keep living our lives as per them. So, there is only one way to find out about your confusion." he said cutting me.


"Try to break the vow." He said turning around.


"Yes lauren."

"Why did you break things with Sinu?"

He turned towards me slowly and came closer pulling me into a hug.

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