Michael Imagine ~ 1

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Mikey imagine ❤️

You sat there with your head in your hands. Alone in your big and empty house that belonged to you and Michael. You had Wherever You Are by 5 Seconds Of Summer playing from your computer. It fitted your situation perfectly. Michael was away on tour with the lads and you missed him like hell. You couldn't stop thinking about him, but you knew you couldn't and shouldn't tell him because you knew how worried he'd get and you didn't want to ruin his fun on tour. "Torn in two and I know shouldn't tell you but I just can't stop thinking of you..." Michael's part of the song. It brought tears to your eyes because this was literally how you felt every day. You just want him home...
You were so distracted by your thoughts that you didn't even here your front door open and shut again. With WYA on repeat you didn't even notice that someone was coming up the stairs! Until you heard something. You turned the volume down a little and you could here footsteps outside your door. You froze on your computer chair not knowing what to do. Slowly getting off your chair you went to hide in any place you could. Then your door opens.
Before you could think your eyes darted towards the door. Him. Michael. He had the biggest smile on his face as he stood there with his arms open wide. You ran straight towards him embracing him in the biggest hug, you even had tears streaming down your face!
"Mi- M-michael You're here, what are you? How are?..."
You were silenced by Michaels soft, warm kiss.
"I left to come home to you Y/N"
"But Mikey why would you do that?!" You cried
" Because I love you Y/N! I can't live without you! Being away from you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do! I just couldn't take it anymore. I need you." He said, tearing up himself. You hugged him even harder taking in his gorgeous sent.
"I've missed you too Mikey. More than you could imagine. I wanted you home since the minute I waved goodbye to you at the airport." You whispered, still hugging him as tight as you could.
"I'm a mess without you Y/N!" You laughed slightly.
"I love you Y/N. I promise to never leave you like that again."
"I love you too Michael" you whispered. "Forever"
"Forever" he whispered back as your lips were brought together again.

So urm yeah was my first ever imagine that I wrote! I don't mind it but I hope that you like it! :) ~ Abbi x

5 Seconds Of Summer Imagines :) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now