Ash Imagine ~ 2

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It was a cold morning as you woke to your empty double bed. You knew Ash wasn't going to be there when you rose from your slumber this morning because he had to go to the studio with the boys early today. He said he'd be back around 2pm today so you had that to look forward to. Deciding it was a good time to get food you climbed out of bed. You gasped as the cold felt like it had literally slapped you in the face. Frantically searching around yours and Ash's master bedroom for something that would stop you from getting frost bite you found Ash's thick, black hoodie. You didn't think twice as you tugged it over you head, smiling instantly as his sent filled your nose. Damn that boy smelt good. If heaven had a smell then this would definitely be it you thought to yourself as you trudged down the stairs. Switching on the kettle that you had just filled with water you sighed and looked out the window. It was absolutely chucking it down with rain and you wouldn't be surprised a storm started any minute now. You heard the kettle click off and you made yourself a cup of tea. You put some bread in the toaster and got the Nutella out of the cupboard, not wasting anytime taking the lid off and scooping some on your finger. Hey, it was Nutella and it was delicious. Your toast pooped up making you jump slightly. After you had finished smothering your toast in Nutella you proceeded into the living room. Plonking down on the sofa you searched for something good to watch on the TV. In the end you settled for spongebob I mean come on who doesn't love spongebob right? A few episodes in you heard a loud crack of thunder. Great, you thought to yourself. A thunder storm. Perfect. You took your dishes into the kitchen, jumping right out of your skin when you heard another crack of thunder and saw a huge flash of lighting. The rain continued to get heavier and the number of claps of thunder per minute were increasing. By now you were completely scared out of your mind. You decided to try and take your mind off the storm by watching a film. There was already a film in the DVD player from the last time you and Ash had a movie night. You switched the box on and pressed okay on the film. It was Monsters Inc. one of your favourite films of all time. Lost into the film you suddenly jumped at the sound of more thunder. Looks like the storms were starting again. How fabulous. You looked at the clock and realised it was 1:55pm. Ash should be back soon. This made you feel a little better as you resumed watching the film. It had been around 10 minutes and you heard the door open and shut. ASH WAS HOME! You wasted no time as you leaped off the sofa and to the front door. You ran into the porch were a very soaking wet Ash stood taking off his shoes. He stood up at the sound of you running to him and you didn't stop to think about jumping into his arms. Quickly he caught you as you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck.

"Well isn't someone eager to see me?" Ash giggled as his grip tightened on you.

"The thunderstorms were extremely terrifying and so all I really needed was some company. Guess you'll have to do." You smiled smugly as you pulled your head up to look at Ash. His hair was dripping wet, only making him even more attractive.

"I can leave if you want?" He questioned sarcastically.

"The doors there if you wish to exit my friend." You replied.

"It's a bloody good job I love you isn't it" Ash said as you smiled and pulled him into a kiss.

"Yeah it is" you smiled.

"I need to go get changed I am literally soaked to the bone" Ash said as he started to walk towards the stairs. He was still carrying you but you were not complaining. He set you down on the edge of your bed as he turned to get some dry clothes. He got some sweat pants out of the drawer and an old tee shirt. He quickly changed and went to put his other stuff on a radiator to dry.

"Hey Y/N?" Ash questioned. "Have you seen my hoodie it's quite cold but it's not where I left it before?" He asked as he walked into the room.

"Urm...." You replied looking around the room acting as if you weren't wearing the item of clothing he was searching for. You weren't taking it off that's for sure so why not act innocent? You turned back to Ash as he had a smug look on his face.

"Nope haven't seen it" you relied.

"No course not" he laughed as he sat down next to you on your shards bed. He pulled you into a tight hug.

"It's also a good job that you look extremely cute in over sized clothes. Especially when those clothes are mine" he said cheekily. Before you could reply Ash had seeped you up into his arms as he began to walk down the stairs.

"What are you doing?" You questioned as you ruffled his still damp hair.

"I'm taking you downstairs so we can watch some films and eat popcorn together." He smiled proudly.

"And why is that Irwin?" You asked, amusement clearly in your voice.

"Because Y/L/N I am the best boyfriend ever" he replied. Plonking you down on the sofa he ran into the kitchen. A couple of minutes later he came back into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. He set it down on the table next to you. He walked over to the DVD player, swiftly picking a film and putting it in the DVD player. He plonked himself down on the sofa too. He pulled you into his arms and held you as tightly as he could.

"Ash what are you doing? I'm can't breathe." You laughed as he continued to hold you in this death hug.

"Well since I don't have my hoodie to keep me warm, your just going to have to do it for me." He replied looking at you in the eyes. You kissed him as you snuggled into his warm arms and began to watch the film that was on your screen. You certain didn't mind keeping Ash warm.


Hey! Decided to whip up a quick imagine since I haven't done one in forever. I've literally been in this really warm hoodie all day because the weather has been really rubbish and I've been freezing like all day. Honestly wouldn't surprise me if I was ill... So yeah that's what kinda inspired this imagine haha :) Hope you like it! Thanks for reading ~ Abbi x

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