Luke Imagine ~ 4

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Another day, another show. Don't get me wrong I love performing. The adrenaline you get before you run onto the stage, the rush of excitement you get when you're singing and the crowd is singing your own song back at you, the feelings that are just priceless. But it's not the same when you're missing someone. And I am missing someone. My girlfriend Y/N. I couldn't bring her on tour with me unfortunately and the distance is killing me. Sure I call her everyday and we try and FaceTime as much as we can but the feeling of missing her only increases. It's horrid. That's why tonight I've decided to dedicate a song to her.

"Okay so Luke here has something he wants to do tonight!" My bandmate Ashton shouts into the microphone.

"Yeah I do" I mumble to the crowd

"Well tell us then!" Michael squeals

"Yes please do share!" Calum laughs. I laugh too and begin to tell my crowd the plan.

"So yeah as you guys know I have a girlfriend Y/N. She's not here on tour with us at the moment and I'm guess I'm kinda missing her a lot." The crowd erupts into 'awwwws' and I smile.

"So!" I yell. "I'm going to dedicate a song to her! It's a song I wrote just a couple of weeks ago when I really felt low because I was missing her so much. So yeah I hope you enjoy it. This is called Sad Song." I say into the mic as I begin to play the opening chords on my acoustic guitar.

"You and I,

We're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky.

With you, I'm alive

Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide."

I sing as the crowd cheers

"So stop time right here in the moonlight,

Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes."

I continue on to the chorus almost in tears.

"Without you, I feel broke.

Like I'm half of a whole.

Without you, I've got no hand to hold.

Without you, I feel torn.

Like a sail in a storm.

Without you, I'm just a sad song.

I'm just a sad song."

As I finish the chorus the crowd screams even louder than before and I feel a hand on my shoulder and see a figure stood beside me. Figuring it was just one of the boys I get ready to continue singing until another voice interrupted me. And it wasn't one of the boys.

"With you I fall.

It's like I'm leaving all my past in silhouettes up on the wall.

With you I'm a beautiful mess.

It's like we're standing hand in hand with all our fears up on the edge."

I spin around and she's stood there. The girl I'd been missing for months. Beautifully signing the song I'd wrote for her. I couldn't speak as she began to sing again. All I could do was stare at her in amazement. She was really here.

"So stop time right here in the moonlight,

Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes."

Y/N finishes and I smile at her. We both begin to sing the chorus together and I can't wait to get this damn song over with so I can hold her in my arms again.

"Without you, I feel broke.

Like I'm half of a whole.

Without you, I've got no hand to hold.

Without you, I feel torn.

Like a sail in a storm.

Without you, I'm just a sad song."

As we end the chorus I turn to her and begin to sing one of the last parts of my song. She smiles the most perfect smile at me and I know that I'm smiling myself.

"You're the perfect melody,

The only harmony

I wanna hear.

You're my favorite part of me,

With you standing next to me,

I've got nothing to fear."

"Without you, I feel broke.

Like I'm half of a whole.

Without you, I've got no hand to hold.

Without you, I feel torn.

Like a sail in a storm.

Without you, I'm just a sad song."

We both carry on the final chorus together as the crowd continues to scream.

"Without you, I feel broke.

Like I'm half of a whole.

Without you, I've got no hand to hold.

Without you, I feel torn.

Like a sail in a storm.

Without you, I'm just a sad song.

I'm just a sad song."

The crowd starts to cheer and clap as I quickly put my guitar down. As soon as I stand up I grab Y/N in my arms and hold her as close as I can, taking in her perfect sweet sent and feeling how amazing it is to be able to hold her in my arms again. I realise that the tears are streaming down my face but I couldn't care any less at this point. Y/N was crying to but all I could do was hold her. I pulled away from her embrace and looked into her perfect eyes. They were red and glossy from her tears but god did she still look beautiful. At that moment I forgot that everyone was around us as I cupped her face and pulled her lips to mine. We pulled away and smiled. I heard the crowd erupt into cheers once again and all I could do was smile. Lord had I done a lot of smiling in the last 5 minutes. I was so happy and now that I had Y/N with me everything was perfect. I hugged her close again and whispered into her ear.

"I love you so much"

"I love you too Luke. I love you so so much" she said back. And I knew it was all true. I loved her and now she's back here with me. This couldn't be any more perfect.



HEYYOOOO! Well would you look at that I've updated again 😂 So yeah another Lukey imagine for you all.

As ya can see I used a song in dis one. It's Sad Song by We The Kings. I love this song and so yeah all credit goes to them :) Hope you don't mind this one being a little different with it in Luke's POV and everything. Lemme know if ya like it! Thanks for reading ~ Abbi xx



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