Cal Imagine ~ 3

375 14 4



You look over to your phone on the other side of your couch to see it lighting up with a text message. As you grabbed your phone you saw that it was a text from none other than your wonderful boyfriend Calum. He was in the studio today but he still took time to text you to make sure you were okay. How sweet is he?

The text read:

Hey babe! Hope you're okay and you're not too lonely without me ;) I need you to be ready by 8:30 pm okay? Don't ask why or whatever else because it's a surprise. I'll be home to pick you up then. Oh and dress casual :) See you later baby. Love you <3 x

You smiled and looked at the clock seeing that it was only 5:45pm. Ages yet. Settling down on the couch you watched a film hoping that the time would pass quickly.


It's now 7:45 and you were half ready. After having a shower and washing your hair you got dressed into your favourite jumper, since it was quite cold outside considering it is winter, a pair of jeans and your favourite shoes. Casual. Just like Cal had said. After drying your hair and putting a little make up on you were now ready! It was already 8:15pm so you went downstairs to wait for your Prince Charming to arrive. Sure enough Calum arrived at your house at 8:30 sharp. You answered the door to see your boyfriend stood there in his black jeans, a white and black top and his black and white vans. Casual but hella cute.

"Hey gorgeous" cal smiled as you hugged him.

"Hey loser" you laughed

"How nice. Good job I love you isn't it?" He winked as you smiled at him.

"It sure is" you said. "Anyway. Where are we going?" You asked as you locked the door and walked to the car.

"Somewhere" he smirked, knowing full well you hate surprises.

"You're seriously not going to spill?" You whined as you buckled the seatbelt in and looked over to Calum.

"Noooooopppppeeeeee"3 he grinned.

"Meanie" you muttered.

"You'll love it babe. I promise" he said taking your hand and kissing it.

"Fine" you said, smiling back at your little cutie of a boyfriend.

After driving for what seemed like forever you Calum finally pulled the car to a stop and immediately got out. Before you could even take off your seatbelt he was over at your side of the car and opening your door. As you began to climb out he grabbed your hand and pulled you into his side. As he locked the car you tried to figure out where you where, but considering it was pitch black outside and you couldn't see very much there was no hope in hell you were going to figure that one out.

"This looks really weird I know but you'll see in a minute." Calum said as he began to lead you forward. It seemed like you were walking in grass which only confused you even more. After five minutes of walking hand in hand cal came behind you and covered your eyes.

"What the hell are you doing you weirdo?" You laughed placing your cold hands over Calum's, which where currently blocking your vision.

"It's a surprise. Now walk forward and stop when I tell you too okay? Trust me on this one Y/N." He said softly.

"Yeah sure whatever, but if I trip over anything you're coming down with me Hood"

"You won't fall babe, I've got you. Now, walk forward."

You began to walk forward, careful not to trip.

"Okay stop right here" Calum spoke. You stopped and he removed his hands from your eyes. You gasped as you took in the sight in front of you. The two of you were stood on top of a hill that overlooked your town. Lights flooded the distance and it looked incredible. You wrapped your arms around Calum and hugged him tight.

"This is amazing Cal! Oh my god it's perfect!" You squealed.

"I'm so glad you love it. Come on let's sit down." Cal almost whispered. You sat down in between Cal's legs and he wrapped his arms around you tightly, keeping you warm. As you sat there just looking out into the distance, with music playing softly from Cal's phone, you smiled and leaned back into Calum's chest. It had been a while since either of you spoke due to the fact that you were lost just looking out into the lit up distance, but Calum decided he was going to break the peacefulness between you.

"Isn't it gorgeous?" He asked

"It really is. How did you know I'd like this? How did you even know where to come?" You asked, turning round to look at your boyfriend.

"Well I'd heard of this little place before, knew how to get to it and when you said the other day that you love looking at lights in the distance at night I just knew I had to bring you here" he spoke as he kissed the top of your head.

"It's perfect" you whispered.

"Just like my baby" he giggled.

"So cheesy. But thank you" you smiled.

At that moment Calum's lips brushed up against yours and quickly his lips locked with yours. They moved in sync and everything was perfect. You pulled away and your eyes locked with Calum's warm, chocolate brown ones.

"Y/N I know those lights are pretty and they're shining really bright but they're nothing compared to you. You're my light, my world, my bloody everything and I love you so goddamn much you don't realise. Thank you for being here for me no matter what." He whispered.

"I love you too Cal. More than you'll ever know"

"Not as much as I love you baby."

And with that you sat and continued to snuggle with your amazing boyfriend whilst staring at the gorgeous lights in the distance.




YAY! And update! Little Calum imagine for all you lovelies ^_^ Hope it's not too bad and you all enjoy it! Don't forget to vote and comment if ya don't mind :p Thanks for reading ~ Abbi xx


I just want to thank you all for 600 reads! That is literally crazy! I can't thank you enough for reading these imagines, I really can't! I appreciate everything and I love you all ❤️ Thank you again :) Love Abbi x

(Wow lot of thank you's in that A/N 😂)

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