Ash imagine ~ 4

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It was 11am on this fine Saturday morning. You were currently sat downstairs watching TV whilst your boyfriend Ashton was still sleeping. It was unusual for him to sleep in this long but you just left him to have a little bit longer considering he'd been working hard with the boys and touring. Planning to leave your boyfriend in bed for a little while you began to get get yourself comfy on the couch, well until you started to hear a loud coughing fit coming from upstairs. You quickly ran up stairs to find Ashton sat up against your shared bed coughing violently. Rushing over to his side you rubbed his back and combed your fingers through his hair until he had calmed down.

"Hey babe" Ashton chocked out, his voice barely a whisper.

"Oh my poor baby! You're not well Mr." You said hugging him.

"Y/N I'm fine honestly" he croaked.

"Yeah because you're obviously fine when you have no voice, you can't stop coughing, your nose is blocked and you have a temperature" you say sarcastically.

"Alright nurse" he laughs.

"Rest for you today ya hear me Irwin?" You say getting a pair of sweatpants on and one of Ashton's hoodies. You put your shoes on and brush your hair before turning to your infected boyfriend.

"Where are you going?" Ashton pouted.

"To the shop to get you some medicine and other stuffs to make you feel better" you smile

"B-but you can't leave me!" Ash squeaks as he climbs out of bed and runs over too you wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Do you want to get better or not?" You say hugging him back.

"Yeah" he mumbles

"Then I'm going. I'll be back in 10 minutes anyway" you reassure him. "Now, back into that bed. If your ass ain't in that bed when I get back we will have problems." You say with a straight face, although humour is in your voice.

"Yes Dr Y/N" ash try's to croak out but fails miserably.

"I'll see you later babe" you smile. Ash smiles back as you run downstairs, go outside, get in your car and drive to the store.


"I'm home!" You shout to Ashton who is thankfully still in bed when you return.

"Hi!" You hear a little squeak from upstairs making your heart melt. Quickly, you run up the stairs to find Ashton wrapped in the blankets like a cocoon.

"Hey" you smile as you drop the things you bought onto the bed.

"I missed you" ash whispers.

"Dude I was gone for like 15 minutes" you giggle at his cuteness

"I still missed you" he smiles.

"I bought you some stuff" you say as you climb back into bed.

"Oooo" ash giggles trying to reach for the bag.

"Nuh huh. You're having medicine first"

"Bore" he winks

After finally forcing Ashton to take his medicine you snuggle down with him in bed and put the TV on.

"You're cuddling me" Ashton croaks out of the blue after watching about 5 episodes of whatever show was on the TV.

"Talk about stating the obvious babe" you laugh.

"But won't you get sick?" Ash asks concerned.

"I'd rather get sick than not cuddle with you" you say as he wraps his strong arms around you even tighter.

"I love you" he whispers

"I love you too" you smile, kissing the top of his head. You can see Ashton's eyes slowly closing as he struggles to keep them open.

"Go to sleep. I won't leave I promise" you say as you rub Ashton's hot back soothingly.

"Promise?" He questions

"I promise" you reply. Not even 5 minutes later ash has fell asleep in your arms, his breathing rough due to his sore throat and blocked nose. Poor thing.

Just over an hour later ash starts to wake up, your head now resting on his chest as you watch SpongeBob on the TV.

"Afternoon sleepy head" you say as you sit up.

"Hiya" ash grins at you.

"Want anything to eat? You've not ate all day babe"

"Soup? Soup kind of sounds nice right now." He mumbles, still waking himself up.

"I'll be back in a sec then" you say as you get out of bed and go downstairs to make ash a bowl of soup. When you return Ashton is sat up on his phone, tweeting.

"MY SOUUUPPP" Ashton yells, or he tries to yell... You laugh as you place the bowl on the table next to his side of the bed. He eats it and places the bowl back down, opening his arms so you can snuggle into him. Without a doubt you slide down next to him and he wraps you up in his arms tightly.

"Lord you are clingy when you're ill" you laugh, stroking his hair out of his face.

"You still love me" he smiles, looking up at you with his hazel eyes.

"I sure do Ash, I sure do" you grin as you kiss him, continuing to snuggle with him and watch TV.



Heyyyy! I'm back :D This time with a sick Ashton imagine, because well 1) everyone seems to be ill right now and 2) it just seemed cute to do...

So yeah! Hope you all love it and thank you very much for reading! ~ Abbi xx


I'M ALMOST AT 700 READS LIKE WTF THAT IS CRAYYYYZZZZAAAYYYY! Thank you all so much for reading these little imagines! I hope you're all enjoying them! I lub chu all for reading ❤️ Means a lot 💕 Anyway yeah I'm going to stop boring you now and go 😂 Adios ~ Moi...

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