Calum imagine ~2 (Kind of a creepy one)

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Okay I just wanna start off by saying that I tried to write a creepy imagine but it's not really that creepy 😂 But I just wanted to warn anyone incase of anything. I don't want this to upset anyone so if you get easily upset please don't read this :) Pwomise I will go back to writing cute ones I just wanted to try this out :) Let me know if ya liked it and maybe want me to do anymore like this? Anyway thanks for reading! Byeeee ~ Abbi xx


I guess you can say it started off as a normal day. You and Calum were sat snuggled up together on the couch having a movie night. Nothing different from every other one of you Saturday nights with Calum. Except for one thing. It was half way through the film that Calum was engrossed in. You however... Not so much... There was something making you feel cold and uneasy. Almost like a presence. And you weren't letting it slide. You untangle yourself from Cal's arms and slowly walk upstairs. It's like you can feel something watching you. And it's because there is. As you go up your staircase there is a huge window on the wall. Stoping to look outside of it you feel a hand on your shoulder, quickly turning around you shrieked as you saw piercing red eyes staring back at you. Nothing but eyes. No body. No head. Eyes.

You let out a loud shriek as the eyes vanished. Seconds later Calum comes running up the stairs to you.

"Crap babe you scared the hell out of me! Are you okay?"

Instead of answering your boyfriend you turned to the black window. Black figures moved across the window. Two people sat on a moving swing set over in the distance, expressionless. Dead. Shock must've been painted on your face because Calum spoke up again.

"What's wrong? God damnit Y/N answer me!"

You didn't answer him. You couldn't. Instead you pointed out the window.

"What? What the hell am I looking at? " Calum asked almost angry. This is when you decided to speak.

"You can't see them can you?"you whispered.

"See who? Y/N what on earth are you in about?!" Calum shouted.

"The figures"

"Okay you've lost me. I swear to god you've gone mad."

"They're here. They're everywhere Calum."

"Who Y/N?! Who are here?!" A now worried Calum asks.

"The ones from my nightmares." you whispered.

"Y/N you're seeing things I swear" Calum laughed.

"That's the thing Calum" you looked him dead in the eyes. Emotionless.

"Wh-what?" He stuttered

"I am seeing things. And once I see them I can't un see them. Everywhere I go. They follow."

"That's it. I'm sorry but you must be seeing things" Calum said in a flat tone voice.

"I know I am"


A long silence fell between the two of you. You could see the black figures coming towards you. Surrounding you from every corner. The walls. The window. Everywhere. And you couldn't stop them. You decided it was time to speak up. These would probably be your last ever words to Calum.

"I see things that nobody else sees" you finished as the figures swarmed you and took over. They'd finally won.

5 Seconds Of Summer Imagines :) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now