Michael Imagine ~ 3

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Sleepovers with your best friend are always awesome. Especially when your best friend is named Michael Clifford. You were sleeping over at Michael's house one night with him and his other three best friends Ash, Cal and Luke. You were all super close so nothing was ever awkward and you loved spending every minute with those dorks. After watching movie after movie and eating as much pizza and whatever other food you could scavenge out of the cupboards the only ones awake were now you and Michael. It was getting late and you decided it was time for you to go to sleep.

"Hey Mikey I'm going to sleep is that okay?" You whispered, making sure not to wake the others in the process.

"Yeah sure! I was actually going to go to sleep myself" Michael laughed.

You began to curl up on the chair that you were on in Michael's basement. That's where you guys usually crashed whenever you slept over at his so sleeping on the chair was pretty normal. As you curled up you heard shuffling around the room and heard the flick of a light switch. As you opened your eyes to see who and what the person was doing you found your best friend of many years stood in front of you.

"What do you want? I'm trying to sleep Clifford." You asked

"Nuh-huh you ain't sleeping there. Not tonight." He said trying to take your hand. You frowned, confused as to why you weren't sleeping in your usual spot.

"Wait what? Why am I not sleeping here? It's where u usually sleep anyway." You questioned him.

"Because Y/N it's cold and I'm pretty sure that chair isn't very comfortable to sleep on now is it?" He said smirking. That cheeky ass boy.

"Well I mean it isn't bad" you said smirking yourself.

"Tough shit Y/L/N you're coming with me" he said whilst pulling you off the chair and leading you up the stairs to his living room.

"Why the hell am I sleeping up here? Not want a girl down there with you huh?" You said lightly punching him on the arm.

"Who said I was going back downstairs?" He said softly. This was the thing. You'd had feelings for Michael for a while now. How cliché. Yet you never really took any notice of them. But they were always there.

"Well then. I guess if you're staying here then I claim the couch" you said cheekily.

"Yeah right. We can both take the damn couch." He said whilst pulling a blanket from behind it. He started to arrange the cushions so it would be a little more comfy. He spun around and walked up to you, taking your hands in his, surprising you a little. He walked back towards the couch and immediately fell down on it when he was within a close enough proximity to it. He eventually got himself comfy and then opened his arms wide.

"Embrace me" he laughed. You laughed too and didn't hesitate to join him. You'd cuddled more times than you could remember so this wasn't anything unusual but you still wished it could be a little more. Not like you were going to say anything. He's your best friend and there was no way you were throwing away what you had. You climbed onto the couch and snuggled into his warm embrace. He pulled the blanket over the top of you both and then wrapped his arms right around you allowing you to rest your head on his chest. You could hear his heartbeat which was beating really fast for some reason.

"God Michael your heart is beating so fast!" You said. Half concerned half amused. He didn't say anything for a second and you wondered if he'd already fell asleep. But after a few moments of silence he spoke up.

"You know that only happens when I'm around you?" He whispered. This literally made your heart stop. Was he saying what you thought he was?

"Jeez am I that hot?" You laughed and so did he. You could feel his chest rise and fall as he laughed, that sweet laugh that you adored so much.

"Look Y/N. I-I love you. Not just as my best friend. I just love you. Everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, your eyes, your face, your cuddles, your sass, your humour, your fear of spiders. Everything. I- I didn't know how to tell you but when you said that about my heart I just thought that I should tell you and I'm sorry if I-"

"Michael?" You interrupted.

"Yeah?" He asked nervously.

"Shut up" you laughed. Before he had chance to reply you tilted your head up and smashed your lips on to his. He instantly kissed you back and you could feel him smiling just like you. Never mind butterflies in your stomach it felt like mini rockets were going off in there. The kiss ended and you instantly snuggled back into his chest.

"I love you Y/N."

"And I love you too Clifford"

And with that you fell asleep realising how much you really did love Michael Clifford. And how he loved you too. More than you'd ever know.



Hey! So yeah another little Michael imagine for you chumps :) Hope ya like it! Thank you for reading <3 ~ Abbi xx

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