Chapter 4: What a Dreadful Town/ Beneath a Moonless Sky

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There is a huge window with ornate drapes, a chaise, some chairs and tables,and a piano upon which rests some sheet music. As me and my family enters, Gustave runs to the piano and snatches an object from it. He sits with his back to us, preoccupied with his find. I immediately go to the table ad put myself a glass of whiskey.

What a dreadful town!What a vulgar place!What an awful mistake to have come here!To be on display in that shameless way for the crude, common, lower-class scum here.How do they dare to treat us so!" I sang angrily.

"Father dear,come play with me,come and see this toy I've got –" Gustave sang

I take a slug of Brandy, I slammed down my glass.

"What a snub, at most.From our so-called hosts –Did he and Angelique think sending freaks would be funny?Could the fools have thought that our pride was bought by their filthy American money?What a farce!What an outright slap in the face –It's an utter disgrace –I've got a mind to pack and go,never you mind the debts we owe –Who would believe we've sunk this low?" I sang angrily

"Father, please, come play with me –" Gustave sang to me

"Please tell the boy the answer's no!" I snapped at my son. I sighed and then went to him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you my son." Gustave hugged me.


In the moment of silence that follows, I idly plays a few notes from the sheet Music on the piano.

"Must you make that racket?" Raoul asked annoyed

"It's the aria I'm to sing in a few days." I said to him.

"It hurts my head." Raoul said

"Please let's not fight, dear...I'm sure that Mr. Hammerstein never intended a slight, dear..." I sang to soothingly.

"Don't you patronize me,it's your fault we came here." Raoul sang walking away from me.

"We need the money, that's all.That's why things haven't been right, dear..." I sang to him.

"Why doesn't it surprise me that I get the blame here?" Raoul sang annoyed as I came in front of him

"Let's leave tonight, dear...If that would serve to ease your troubled mind...Leave the hurt behind." I sang to him holding his hands

His anger subsides as I sooth him.

"Father dear,come over here,and look at what they gave to me,wind it u p, and father, see –Look, it plays a melody" Gustave sang

The wind-up toy plays the same little tune that the marching band played at the dockside... Until Raoul, unable to bear it, smashes it down.

"I need some air." Raoul said as he moves to the door.

"Raoul, please..!" I tried stopping him

"Please what?" Raoul snapped looking back at me

"Nothing. Only... Raoul, don't drink any more." I said to him

He hesitates a moment, then leaves, slamming the door behind him.

"Father never plays with me,doesn't he love me?" Gustave sang sadly.

"Sweetheart. Of course he does" I said to my son sitting next to him on the floor.

Love Is A Battle(Sequel to A Fallen Rose Behind a Hidden Mask)Where stories live. Discover now