Chapter 8: Angelique Get's Sick

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(the pic is what Angelique looks like when she gets sick)


The day after I showed Gustav around with Victor, I was walking with my children and Erik around Phantasma. I watched as Erik played with my daughters. I stopped in place grabbing into something.

"Mother? What is it?"   asked me placing a hand on my shoulder.

"G-Get your father." I panted looking done at the ground.

"FATHER! COME QUICK!" Kristoff called to Erik


"FATHER! COME QUICK!" Kristoff called to me.

I looked to see Angelique on her knees panting."ANgelique!" I ran to her.

Angelique grabed my arms as I helped her up.

"Kristoff, go with your brother and sisters to where Christine, Gustave and Raoul are. Bring down to the catacombs and tell them what happened." I told my eldest child.

"Yes father." Krisoff said and hurried off with our children as I lead my angel back down to the catacombs.


I was with Raoul and Gustave. I heard a knock on the door and Raoul opened it to reveal Kristoff, Elizabeth Jacqueline, and Tyler at the door.

"what is it?" I asked them.

"it's our mother. Father wants you to come and see her....she isn't doing so well." Jacqueline said to us.

I nodded and left the house with Roaul and Gustave and we followed the children down into the catacombs. I saw Erik tending to Angelique in the bed.

"Angelique!" I ran to her side.

"How is she doing?" Gustave asked,

"she is burning up." Erik said placing a cold washcloth on her forehead.

Madame Giry arrived and helped Erik tend to Angelique. I felt Victor watching us from the shadows. I excused myself and went to him.

"You doing alright?" I asked him

Victor shook his head. "The last time I saw her this sick was....a few weeks before our eldest brother Hector was diagnosed with cancer. He took care of her. At times like these I wish he was here." Victor said to me


I was tending to my Angel. How she all of a sudden got sick was a big mystery to me. Madame Giry finished tending to her and left. I looked to see her fever has died down a bit. I knelt beside her with Raoul and Gustave and held her hand.

"Angel. I whispered to her.

Angel opened her eyes.

"hey Little Aggy. How are you feeling?" The Vicomte asked my wife.

"A bit better thanks to madam Giry." Angel said.

I had noticed her mask was off. I stroked the wounds on her face gently.

"You gave me a fright...I thought I was gonna loose you forever." I said to her as Christine came over.

"You can't get rid of me tat fast." She smiled at me

I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Do you think you will be better in time for the concert?" Gustave asked her.

"I think so." Angelique said.

"I hope so. It wouldn't be the same without beside Gustave, Erik and Raoul." Christine said to her

"Get some rest now ok?" I said to her. "I will be back soon to check up on you."

Angel nodded and closed her eyes and slept. I kissed her forehead and got up and left with the others to let my wife sleep. I didn't want the others to know that the reason Angelique got so sick was because he kidney failed at the moment. How was I gonna tell my family and our friends

Love Is A Battle(Sequel to A Fallen Rose Behind a Hidden Mask)Where stories live. Discover now