Chapter 10:Raoul Finds Out the Truth About Kristoff and Tyler

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I was at the hospital visiting Angelique. I was waiting in a chair with Jacqueline talking to her. I needed to talk about something with Angelique when she woke. I saw her eyes open. I went to her with Jacqueline and knelt beside her.

"How do you feel mother?" Jacqueline asked.

"Ok i guess." Angelique said. "Jackie go out to the waiting room ok? I have to talk with Raoul about something."

"Yes mother." Jacqueline said and she left. I looked at her,

"So, um, Kristoff looks like me abit I have noticed. Any reason why?" I asked her

She nodded. "You made me with children Raoul. Kristoff and Tyler are our sons." she told me.

My eyes widened. "W-What? Are you sure of it?" I asked her and she nodded. "My own flesh and blood...and yet they don't know the truth...are you gonna tell them?"

"I-I don't know. Erik and i are still deciding whether or not to do so." she said to me.

I heard people approach us and I looked to see my wife, Erik, Tyler, Kristoff, Jacqueline, Gustave and Elizabeth coming to us. Gustave was holding a bouquet of flowers and placed them in a vase beside her bed. I looked at Luke and Kristoff and sighed. How was I suppose to deal with two more sons? I excused myself to go the bar.


I went next to mothers side.

"Mother, can you sing me the lullaby" I asked her.

Of course sweetheart." Mother said as I went next to her on the bed


I listened as Angel sang to Elizabeth. Half way through the song, I joined in because this was the song I sang to Angelique all those years ago. Angel and I finshed and Christine, our sons, Jacqueline, Gustave and other people around us clapped.

"We always feel better when you and father sing to us." Jacqueline said.

"Yeah it really does." Tyler said.

Angel smiled abit.

"How do you feel?" I asked going next to her placing a hand on her forehead.

"Abit better. Did you tell them?" she asked me

"I did yes." I told her stroking her hair.

"Did they get it out of you?" Gustave asked her.

"They did yes. I am leaving here tonight." ANgelique said.

"That is good." Christine said.


I was back home with my children and Erik after coming out from the hospital. Elizabeth was with Gustave and Christine. Raoul had gone off somewhere and my sons and Angelique were off in phantasma. I was with Erik. He was writing a song for me and I listened to him.

"remeber this song." he played past the point of no return.

I smiled and nodded.

Erik: Past the point of no return

No backward glances

The games we've played till now are at an end

Past all thought of if or when

No use resisting

Abandon thought and let the dream descend

What raging fire shall flood the soul?

What rich desire unlocks its door?

What sweet seduction lies before us

Past the point of no return

The final threshold?

What warm, unspoken secrets will we learn

Beyond the point of no return?

Me: You have brought me

To that moment where words run dry

To that moment where speech disappears into silence


I have come here

Hardly knowing the reason why

In my mind I've already imagined our bodies entwining, defenseless and silent

And now I am here with you, no second thoughts

I've decided, decided

Past the point of no return

No going back now

Our passion play has now at last begun

Past all thought of right or wrong

One final question

How long should we two wait before we're one?

When will the blood begin to race

The sleeping bud bursts into bloom?

When will the flames at last consume us?

Both of us: Past the point of no return

The final threshold

The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn

We've passed the point of no return.

As Erik and I finished the song, our lips were a few inches apart from us and we kissed. We pulled away.

"i love you." erik stroked my cheek.

"I love you more." I smiled at him and we embraced.

Love Is A Battle(Sequel to A Fallen Rose Behind a Hidden Mask)Where stories live. Discover now