Chapter 15: Lover Never Dies/"Ah Christine..!"

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Third person~

Raoul, Victor, Erik, Angelique, Kristoff, Elizabeth Jacqueline, and Tyler watched as Christine started to sing. Raoul hoped she wouldn't. Victor hoped she would. Raoul's hope faded when Christine started to sing. Victor smiled.

"Who knows when live begins?Who knows what makes it start?One day it's simply there,alive inside your heart.It slips into your thoughts,it infiltrates your soul,it takes you by surprise,then seizes full control.Try to deny it,and try to protest,but love won't let you go once you've been possessed. " Christine sang. "Love never dies.Love never falters.Once it has spoken,love is yours.Love never fades.Love never alters.Hearts may get broken,love endures.And soon as you submit,surrender flesh and bone,that love takes on a life much bigger than your own.It uses you at whim and drives you to despair.And forces you to feel more joy than you can bear.Love gives you pleasure,and love brings you pain!And yet, when both are gone,love will still remain.Once it has spoken,love is yours."

With great dignity, Raoul turns and exits. Christine sees him leave, and breaks off, wanting to reach out to him, unable to do so. She turns back to the audience that has no idea of what has just transpired.With great difficulty, she gathers herself and continues.

" Love never dies,Love never alters,Heart may get broken,Love endures...Hearts may get broken. ​​​​​​" Chritine sang tying to pull herself together.

She then finds courage in the decision she has made, she gathers her all and sings with every fiber of her body.

" Love never dies!Love will continue!Love keeps on beathingWhen you're gone!Love never diesonce it is in you!Life may be fleeting,love lives on...Life may be fleeting,love lives on" Chrsitne sang finishing her song.

Everyone applauded for her. Including, Angelique, Erik, their family and Victor. Victor smiled before disappearing.


I rushed into my dressing room. I heard victor come in after me.

" Ah, Christine!My Christine!What a triumph you gave me tonight!My Christine!All the dark, silent years now set right!Ah, Christine!" Victor sang to me placing his hands on my shoulders from behind me.

" The song was beautiful.It sounded beautiful!Every note, every word,and it felt beautiful,and I felt beautiful! ​​​​​​" I sang to him and faced him.

" Lost in the music once more,feeling it rise up and soar,alive once again ​​​​​​" We both sang and then we kissed.

I pulled away. Victor then told me something about Meg pretending to kill me do we could be together. I nodded. But then I saw a rose with a letterattached to it on my desk. I went to it and opened it and read it.


"My dearest wife" Christine read.

""Little Lotte,I beg you, forgive me..."" Raouls voice sang

""Raoul, no!"" Christine said as Victor came over and placed his hands on her shoulder

""Little Lotte, ah, what fools we once were..."" Raoul sang

""Long ago,In our youth..."" Christine and Raoul sang

"" Paris,at the opera."" Christine sang as Raoul said, "Romantic idiots..."

""Those two people are gone."" Christine sang

Christine continues reading the letter.

""Now I must go, our choices are made.The opera is done, the last notes have been played."" Raoul and Chritine sang

""May your Angel of Music watch over you nowand give you what I wish I gave you somehow...Yours in regret...""

""Raoul."" Christine finshed.

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