Chapter 9: Elizabeth hangs out with Gustave and Christine

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the next day~

I was so scared when mother got sick. I took my mind off it for awhile as I hung out with Christine and Gustav the next day. I took a particular liking in Gustav...he was pretty cute...did I just say that? Do I like him? No, I can't...I just met him. I mean Yeah we are the same age and all but...oh who am I kidding...I do love him.

"How long have you known my mother?" I asked Christine.

"Ever since your grandmother adopted her off the streets and brought her to the opera house. She and I became best of friends along with Meg and I of course." Christine told me.

"Why was she on the streets?" Gustav asked

"Her birth parents kicked her out because of her face." Christine said.

"Well, they just didn't see the true beauty underneath." Gustav said

"Yeah." I said.

Christine smiled at us as we went to Phantasma. Gustave loved mother and father's work so much.

"Lizzy?" Gustave said to me.

"Yeah Gus?" I replied using my nickname for him.

"Do you sing like you mother?" Gustave asked me.

"I sing a bit here and there." I confessed to him​​​.

"Can you sing for me please?" Gustave asked me.

"Y-You want me to sing? For you?" I asked him.

Gustave nodded

(Elizabeth's song)


I listened with mother as Elizabeth sang. She had the most beautiful voice....I think I was falling in love with her. A crowd gathered around us. Elizabeth had such a powerful voice. When she finshed I clapped with the crowd and mother. Erik came over to her with Kristoff and Luke.

"Beautiful voice." Erik smiled and picked up his daughter twirling her around. Elizabeth giggled as he set her down. "Just like your mother."

"how is she?" Christine asked.

"Her fever is back...I need to tell you guys something about Angelique." Erik said.

"What is it?" Luke asked

"Angelique's kidney is failing her. We had to take her to the hospital." Erik informed us.

"What? How can this be?" Mother was shocked

"Victor said she had health problems when she was little another main reason why her parents threw her out after their brother died." Erik said. "They couldn't take care of her anymore after she was better afraid of her being sick again they had no choice but to throw her out."

"Oh my God, poor thing." Mother said. "Thank God Madame Giry and Meg found her or else she wouldn't be here to day."

"Yeah." Luke said.

"did they treat her?" I asked as we all walked.

"yes they did. She is resting now when I left her." He said

What Erik told me was a shock. I never knew Angelique had gone through other pain like before. Gustave and Elizabeth were running around playing with each other. I know I swore to Victor not to tell Gustave the truth about his father...but something insdie me was telling me too. Tomorrow night I will song for Victor and leave with my son and my husband...but did I really want to leave?

Love Is A Battle(Sequel to A Fallen Rose Behind a Hidden Mask)Where stories live. Discover now