Kate Austen- Alternate Universes (c)

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There was little to do on the island especially at night. No one had prepared to be stuck on an island, so no one packed much entertainment other than a couple of books, all of which you had made your way through. Luckily you had met a woman who you fell in love with and could talk to all day, every day without getting bored.

Kate and yourself had walked a bit down the beach, laying in the sand together to look up into the dark sky and look at the bright stars. It was beautiful to be so far away from other people that polluted the air, allowing a clear view into the infinite universe you lived in. You'd never been able to appreciate the night sky as much as you had since being on the island. Without the distractions of modern day light, you were able to appreciate the natural beauties you had once taken for granted.

You held Kate's hand as the two of you pointed out different shapes you could see in the stars seen as you had no knowledge of actual constellations.

"Isn't it weird how before being here we thought everything was such a big deal? Like being late for work or not finding a parking spot. But then when you're just out here looking at the stars you realise everything is so miniscule when you look into the vastness of the universe. And then if you consider there could be alternate universes, losing your keys really doesn't matter," you rambled, turning to look at your freckled love.

Kate couldn't help but laugh as she cocked an eyebrow at you.

"Alternate universes? Do you actually believe in that?" She asked.

You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't know. I'd like to think there were some wacky alternate universes out there, like one where we're all talking horses or something, but I don't necessarily believe that they are real."

"It'd be nice to think there were different versions of us that weren't stuck on an island," Kate sighed.

Rolling to prop yourself up onto your elbows you smiled at Kate.

"Well in at least one universe there would be a version of us that hadn't even set foot on the plane. Then at least one other one that we'd have gotten to Los Angeles without any problems or one where a rescue team found us. And there'd definitely be some where Sawyer and Jack would confront their sexual tension," you grinned.

Kate laughed at you, leaning up towards you to kiss your cheek.

"I don't care what universes there are, as long as we get to be together."


Written by Charlotte.

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