Growing up, my father said the ocean was a great escape. As time passed, I also learned that its expanse holds greater secrets and the ability to hold mine. And like love, it is at its heart, fluid, powerful–and sometimes violent.
But in its harshest reality, the ocean is a barrier, separating you from the ones you love.
You’d thought that being cursed to fit to be a dark queen would at least give you at least a perk to heal faster.
It didn’t.
The super strength, the speed–went poof as soon as the adrenaline stop flowing in my blood.
I had to wait for some time to recover. That meant days without training, not doing anything and simply just trying to wait for the grass to grow.
My dispute with the rest of the Fellowship had come to an end that day when I told David everything.
However, it was a start of another dispute between me and David.
That insolent, traitor human being.
Okay. It wasn’t actually that bad. But I was justifiably pissed off after he tricked me into telling him everything in the presence of everyone else.
And ‘everything’ means too much information.
Like when I cried like a baby in front of him and at least in front of other five grown men.
He let my to-be-companions hear me cry and listen to the sob story of my life. How could he? I was at my vulnerable moment, and he showcased me to everyone.
But the real reason I was so mad at him was the fact that I had too much pride.
Since then, I had been avoiding David like a plague.
I had also been avoiding Legolas like an even worse plague for obvious reasons.
A collective gasps from five hobbits was heard at the court.
“And then miss,” urged a papery, warm and cheery old voice, “What happened then?”
I looked at Bilbo Baggins with smile in my eyes. The old hobbit had been my daily companion during my recovery. One day, I found him in the garden, sipping his tea all by himself. Realizing who he was, I couldn’t help but asked the old but sharp hobbit the stories of his adventure to The Lonely Mountain.
As it turned out, he loved to share his stories just as much as he loved to hear more stories–in which case I opted to present him a bunch of old fairytales and bedtime stories.
“Well, even after the Evil Queen was gone, Snow White was still in a deep sleep. She stayed that way for a long time that the dwarves thought that she was lost to them forever. However, because of their affection for the princess, the seven dwarves kept watch over her day and night despite not knowing when or if she will ever wake up,” I narrated with drama that I stirred in my voice–just a little something to keep the five hobbits and a certain wizard hooked with suspense.
Gandalf listened attentively to the story while smoking his pipe peacefully along with the others.
“They grieved everyday for the passing of their beloved friend. But finally, Snow White’s Prince Charming found her. He had been searching for the beautiful princess he had sung with a long time ago. And so he mounted down his mighty stallion and looked into Snow White’s glass casket,” I recounted. I looked around to see the hobbits’ faces as they waited with their eyes wide and expecting.
The way they looked reminded me of curious little forest animals that Snow White befriended. Meanwhile, Gandalf was still smoking his pipe, looking thoughtful as he waited to hear the end of the story.

Thorns & Roses (Legolas Love Story)
FanfictionLEGOLAS/OC. MOVIE VERSE. Desperate to save her father, Anastasia made a grave choice and struck a deal that eventually led her to be banished to Middle Earth. In grief, she thought all that was left of her was hatred. Revenge drove her to set on a j...